Standard Meta Update (2/12)

This kind of insightful communication is very, very much appreciated. I’m honestly surprised to see Galakrond Warrior performing so well (more just because of 3rd party sites, not because it seems bad).

Looking forward to more snippets like this in the future. Communication of this variety is something your players here absolutely crave and love.


thats is a very specific combination of cards including the card pulled by the quest

seems you missed this part about why they mention the top ranked meta

It’s normal for metas to look differently at different levels of play, but over time we usually see a trickle down effect from the higher level of play. That is to say that the meta above will probably look closer to the top 1% meta today given enough time.

Very much appreciate the communication.
We pretty much never get feedback here, if anybody on Blizzard side actually reads the feedback that was posted… So hearing you went through some community feedback is awesome!

So one thing I posted quite some times already: I really believe SacPact is wrong designed, because it allows to sacrifice enemy demons, when sacrifices usually would mean you gain some benefit from sacrificing your own stuff that somehow hurts yourself. You see that in the whole Warlock class identity. You have to discard cards or sacrifice minions to get a beneficial effect. So I always assume SacPact should read “Sac one of your own demons and restore 5 health to your hero”.

So once again, please think about it and if you think SacPact is fine as it is, because you intend it to be able to sacrifice enemy demons for 0 mana (again that’s ridiculous in my oppinion, there is also Zephrys abusing it…) I’d really appreciate a short response that its working as intended so I can stop breaking my head over that interaction!

TY very much!

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Any plans to address Time Warp Mage in wild? It’s become so frequent and taking three turns in a row is so broken it’s completely killed my desire to play the format until it’s adjusted.


Please revert Raza!


K, thx bye

Oh, Patches too! Almost forgot about that little guy.


So… a small sample size is BS when talking about meta diversity, but a similar small sample of the best possible game Embiggen Druid has isn’t?


Make Yogg great again! He is a joke comapred to the Puzllebox. Cmon. He deserves it.


you said in a reply to your previous tweet on deck winrates that your data is a “minimum sample size”, whatever that means. the fluctuation shown in your data, especially combo priest being #1 one day and not in the top 5 on any of the other days reported, strongly suggests to me that the data you are using is distorted due to small sample size. citing the actual number of games recorded would go a long way towards establishing credibility when posting data like this.

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For Wild, we’re looking at some of the nerfs we made to cards that rotate into Wild with the next expansion and seeing if we want to revert any of them. Will have more updates on that soon ™.

I would love if this simply became standard practice, and for it to be applied retroactively to previously nerfed cards that are now Wild-only. Not being able to play old decks and cards can be a real sore point at times. Wild should, truly, feel wild in terms of power level!


Revert Dr. Boom. Warrior is garbage tier and that card was never a problem in the Wild Format. At 9 mana it’s unplayable compared to cards like Jaina, Malfurioun, Rexxar, and Guldan


Wow - a post from a Dev that discusses actual, relevant game information. I … I don’t really even know how to react to this. It’s like I woke up, got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast and found Santa Claus sitting at my table. Well - it’s nice to see something after so long, and I hope that it’s not just a one-off rarity (though experience tells me otherwise). Thanks for the information. Hope to see more of it.


This just sound like an excuse for not admitting the last nerf to shaman was overkill. I’m sure if Aggro Shaman were good enough to be competitive in legend it would have seen some actual play, but it does not. Shaman has had a terrible win rate over all since the last nerf, and with aggro being the top deck for shaman on hs replay, one would imagine the deck would become more popular and carry that negative win rate closer to 50, and yet it hasn’t budged since the second nerf to Galakrond.
Just give us back sludge slurper at least…


did you check reddit ?

i dont think i ever saw a reddit thread about a forum post from a dev before !!! :astonished:


So we (resident forumers) can claim Victory at least once?


Making wild better would be the thing that would make me wanna play this game again.


I’ll agree here. I think HS has 100% lost me as a Standard player but if Wild gets a bit of love I’d be more willing to spend time on it.

As Melphina mentioned 3-turn Time Warp has just killed my desire to really play Wild at higher ranks. It is such an easy change as well, just make 2x hits both recognize next turn as the next turn not two out, that it literally wouldn’t impact other uses of Vargoth

Woah - dogs and cats are officially living together. It’s mass hysteria!

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To be fair it would be dumb if they created an “special rule” or something like that and every nerf they do in that sense is very cheap just to not have to deal with their own design.

But if they do it as a normal thing(changing card text) I fine with it.

Time Warp says “Take another turn after this one” you’d just need to change how the second casts counts “this one” so it’d just recognize “your next turn” as the next turn in the game not your next turn that isn’t yours if that makes sense.

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They would just need to change it to “You get a Second Turn”. That way any combo by Vargoth would just list a second turn and not go into a third.

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