Standard is unplayable due to Reno and Zilliax

Can we please just delete these two stupid cards? Standard is literally unplayable because of these 2 cards alone.

Please stop with this iWin cards design philosophy at some point.


They are not “iWin” cards, I’ve won games against both of these.

I don’t ever recall a card being deleted.


Because, obviously, by “I win” card, it is implied that the game ends on the spot, and it is not used as a hyperbole to imply a card has extreme impact when it shouldn’t.

Fortunately, you possess the insight to look beyond face value and understand the deeper context!


The cards don’t have an “extreme” impact, they have a mostly fair(9 mana worth) value of impact( I think reborn module could go up 1 mana)
Reno is a 9 mana HL card and only played in 2 decks with over 50% win rate and they are actually considered tier 2 decks
Zilliax in all of his forms has more then 1 card that deals with him.
“Unkilliax” is the hardest to deal with but there are plenty of things to deal with him

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Right, the 8 mana 4/6 Rush, Lifesteal, Divine Shield, Reborn minion that can be used across all classes wouldn’t classify as extreme impact or a complete swing, but mere fair old Hearthstone.

You leaving your opponent at 6 life, and them dropping it, healing 4 immediately, and then you having to deal with a minion that is not targetable and will revive with Divine Shield is obviously fair.

Or the fun 9 mana card that removes your board and soul from the game is just good old fair Hearthstone. That 9 mana Neutral board clear that comes with 5 excess healing, a better HP, and the soul-crushing effect of removing the other player’s agency of having access to their own space on the board is just fair stuff, really.


Unkilliax could cost 11 mana and it would still be broken


who said anything about “OLD” hearthstone everyone knows that cards today after 10years of the games existence are stronger. Just as Agro cards have gotten better in time so has control.

Warrior with Justicar Trueheart could take games to fatigue, and original reno could get you back to 30 instantly.

Unkilliax at 11 might still be run hard to say as there are a couple ways to get him out still, but I would think he is as powerful as the duplicate+perfect so 9 mana is where it should be.

uh reno zillaz …“i win” cards?how?

You won because algo let you win. It could have give you every card that would not have helped you, and you would have lost.

They are overpowered. Thats how. Like the shamen jabberwocky.
I quit buying anything from hearthstone after the jabberwocky thing and moon eater paladian.

Plague DK was out there keeping Highlander decks honest but the devs decided to change the definition of how Highlander works so here we are


Plagues are my reason for still using Rafaam in my standard deck