Standard is Unbearable

If you’re not playing DK, DH, or Paladin, you’re not playing. Everything else in the current meta is fine dealing with. Nothing seems particularly unfair unless you’re playing Warrior (because the class is a literal joke and is the best in the game at giving free wins to the other player).

DK needs to stop discovering cards from the class and needs to start discovering cards form their deck. Tired of seeing double Patchwork, double Mograine, 4-5 Vampiric Blood, never ending board wipes, on demand spot removal for days.

Then there’s paladin who basically just steals games with insane tempo. The power level is fine for wild (save for the fact that wild is in shambles as well), but no class has options for competing with the tempo outside of DK and DH.

Then you have DH which draws an insane amount of cards, has rush every turn, has recursion with random card generation that, hey, discounts themselves, discounts from the deck in general, and can hit you for 40+ with an empty board.

I don’t know what the consideration for balancing was, but it’s not fun getting these laughably bad overload shaman packages. The cards themselves are super understat’d for what they do and all the synergy is bad unless you’re overloaded and you need to also have drawn them. Looking at classes like mage, overload shaman, and warrior side by side to the other top 3 just makes playing super unenjoyable and I don’t WANT to play these 3 specific classes just to compete with the 90% of other players who are also just playing the same 3 classes over, and over, and over, and over again.


What about undead lock lol

I just LOVE turn 5 Thadius, killing him, and then resurrect, and turn 9 malgannis…

Undead lock doesn’t have the winrate paladin, demon hunter, or death knight has. And yes. Are we really debating what’s worse between 70% winrate decks and warlock? lol

Lock is too expensive to build, ain’t that popular

Also, that would be way worse

Don’t forget the pirate jailer wombo-combo.

I think we all know by now that these so called issues are extensions of the business practice, how can we constantly be met with such invariance and still presume blizzard has no awareness? Cmon lads, admit the fault of this argument is self orientated, inevitably each rotation and expansion holds specific classes in high regard as a sales pitch which will slowly be equalised into the pre existing pool where something else will be given disproportionate prominance.

Often i think we like fooling ourselves into positions of fiction, its preferencial, like having 50 virgins waiting for you beyond the pearly gates. If there appears to be contradiction then your at fault.


How would it be worse? They would only have access to a limited number of cards like Vampiric Blood, Soulstealer, etc. It also makes it so that they get to fatigue more quickly in longer games. Would you rather play against 2 Vamp Blood or 4-5? Or you develop a board, you’ve played around the Soulstealers, and oop, here comes another one/ Sindragosa, or another Patches in the control matchup and you just lose because you get stripped of 6 cards.

Isn’t Miracle Rogue actually the best deck in standard though?

No. Going by recorded stats on 3rd parties, it’s performing more or less in parity with Druid. Death Knight has the top 2 highest winrate decks in standard (in all ranks including top 1000 legend). Frost and Blood are undeniably the best decks with pure paladin being about equal. Unholy is like a percentage lower than frost, blood, and pure pally which puts it in line with mech pally.

These decks all have 68%-70% winrates.

Miracle Rogue is the best performing deck at high legend according to HS Replay, it just hasn’t trickled down to lower ranks yet.

wild is just as bad lol. druid playing their entire deck in an OTK after not putting anything into the board for 5 turns is absolutely ridiculous and that might not even be the most annoying deck. Quest lock is just about uncountable. The game sucks.

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BG’s are the same, every mode of this game is trash. I only play it when I am bored out of my mind traveling or horribly long work meetings.

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Death Knights and Paladins far outweighs undead lock, in terms of overall power and winrate.
However undead lock is incredibly based.

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what about it? that deck is pretty bad.

Sure, turn 5 triple Thaddius is bad

yea because that definitely happens every game and not like 1% of them

Are devs are on drugs? This expansion has alot broken cards and combo that make this game unplayable.

I think once the top 3 get nerfed, undead lock is going to be very dominating. The ONLY reason it’s not thrashing the metagame right now IMO is because too slow and it gets laughed at by Blood DK removal (which also is a huge reason why Warrior has a hard time even once they get Blackrock off).

Undead lock is probably the strongest tier 2 deck right now. It does pretty well against rogue and totem shaman

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