Standard - Annoying side effects of dual class cards

So, I looked over the [29.0.3 Patch Notes] (29.0.3 Patch Notes - #9 by Halloween-12761)
and sadly both of the dual class card nerfs (Aftershocks/Shroomscavate) that were made to intentionally nerf warrior and paladin respectivly, also nerf shaman, which, as far as I can tell, aside being able to play 4 lightning bolts, was not really in a position to be nerfed.

Shaman has had Windfury for ages at 2 mana and it’s been mostly unplayable (barring weird moments near release) , shaman has no tricks to use with divine shield, aside the damage negation, so Shroomscavate kinda served the role of removal for shaman with mediocre burst as there are no handbuff cards (aside Therezane) nor low cost excessively powerful attack buffs like deputization aura to really abuse with the windfury aspect of the card. It was just an unneeded nerf for shaman decks, which feel rather frustrating - the shaman excavate payoff is also kinda awful compared to other classes, so it really hurts in that aspect as well.

Aftershocks is also roughly in the same boat; shaman has no real way to abuse self damage on minions aside from Acolyte of Pain, which is an issue for warrior as they have a bunch of other ways to damage their Acolytes to make them more consistent, but is not something the shaman class can rely upon when they are building/playing a deck.

Please stop printing “really good for one class, but may be risky for the other class” dual class cards; all it does is put players in a place they don’t want to be in - getting side effect nerfs, and putting devs in a place I hope they don’t like being in, which is nerfing classes that are already pretty mediocre.

Maybe I am simply missing the the data, or it is skewed by bots, but when changes like these happen, it looks like sloppy design work, not simple nudging of the meta-game.