Standard and your matchmaking system

I just have to say after playing this game ALLOT over so many years, i can always find this or that that I don’t like. The biggest overall thing that I hate is the lack of focus on STD. It seems like all of your other formats, and the newest ones you keep coming out with, get all of the attention. This is why there are almost no high lever streamers playing STD. Having said that, I think your new matching system just down right sucks. If I didn’t play SO much I might not see it, but every time I make a deck or decide to play or construct a off-met deck, you constantly match me up with some off-meta deck that perfectly channels or even defeats my deck.
Here is a perfect example… I decided to tweak out my own version of a control priest. As soon as I started playing this, i’m inundated with token decks, specifically Deathknight. Since starting this deck, i’ve played 7 DK’s in a row, all the same token DK deck. DK right now it like 11th in the meta, not very popular. What I’ve noticed is that as soon as I start playing another deck, i’ll all of the sudden start playing decks that counter that one and never see these DK token decks again, or maybe rarely. This isn’t new, this has been going on now since you changed the matchmaking system and it sucks. You need to let ME trick out the meta, not corner me with your manipulation. I have screenshots to prove but I don’t see a way to add an image to this.


The problem with this logic is that unless you’re being singled out, all players would be experiencing this, but that makes no sense as 100% of people can’t be being countered. Maybe it’s only for certain decks Blizzard hates? Or the opposite and terrible decks are getting a leg up having a go at your off-meta.

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I don’t think people notice this stuff as much as me. When I say I play allot, I mean ALLOT. Maybe 3-12 matches a day, every single day unless i’m on vacation. And get this, I’ve played two full games since this post, guess what they were… token DK. I can provide my HSReplay screenshot to prove, and as i’m tying this, ANOTHER DK. How many DK’s in a row is that since this deck creation? 10. 10! I’m going to keep doing screen grabs until i finally play something else.


Well, DK is popular right now, I see a lot of token, too. It also depends on your rank.

You’d need to make a stats chart of what you play and what your opponent is, and take a huge sample in a relatively short time with you playing many different decks.

No, you don’t play that much. Data aggregation websites record data on about ten million games of Hearthstone a week. If there was any pattern like what you’re describing to matchmaking, they would know about it. So in order to believe what you believe, you have to believe that HSReplay is involved in a grand conspiracy to hide the truth from the world.

What you’re describing in the opening post isn’t data, it’s apophenia.


The only way I can think it’d make sense is cards had their own mmr too, and you just happened to make a deck that’s mmr puts it against token dk, which, again, is quite popular right now depending on your mmr/rank.

idk how the algorithm works. i play wild ranked. when the algorithm is checking my non-meta non-broken netdeck homebrek decks it doesn’t know what it’s looking at so i get a free pass. you can also expect to run into tons of the same decks on standard. it seems so many of those players just copy the most broken netdeck so they’re all playing the same decks. the higher the rank you get the more you see the exact same decks everyone is playing. idk why people do this stuff but it seems to have something to do with gamer rage and saltiness. like omg what if they lose at the card game?!?! you really achieve something by reaching legend by playing 100 games a day and using the broken netdeck that everyone else is using but you just crafted it a bit sooner than they could. right?! riiiiight. so you got to legend really fast!! now what to do? go find the other broken netdeck from the other class and try to get to legend ASAP!

… my guess is you aren’t winning so it’s giving you bots because your MMR is so low. It’s actually trying to help you, but those token DK bots are apparently too much for your homebrew priest.


Is it normal to see such bits in even high gold in standard? I’ve seen quite a few token dk recently…are there perhaps that few of players right now? Is standard becoming like Classic was?

I don’t mean to be rude, but there is no “high” about gold.

The bots are all over, even in low MMR legend.

Yes and no.

There are blizzard bots in standard that are supposed to be there and there are now an influx of illegal player farm bots.

The player farm bots are very often of the unholy DK variety from what I have seen.

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Aside from the last 2 months, for a year I was in Diamond. I spent 10k on the previous expansion and got garbage. I couldn’t even make a decent deck with the dust. I ended up with about 800 dust. I’d have to disenchant so many cards to make a decent deck…the power creep is just nuts, n apparently I chose the wrong cards to form a base some time ago… Seriously, going from Diamond 5 forca tear to struggling out of Gokd makes you realize how bad the power creep is atm.

So, you’re saying all of Gold has the same MMR? Hmm, I don’t mean to be rude, but I think you are being rude, and not totally honest.

So what was your star bonus to start this season? Because as long as you have stars, you’re matched by MMR.

If you’re matching to bots, do the math.

If you’re matched by rank (because you don’t have a star bonus anymore) then the game is trying to gift you a win to keep you climbing. That’s literally what the bots do.

Separate blizzard bots from player bots, though. The player bots actually tend to rank up while the blizzard bots can’t be added as friends.

Start friending the DKs and see how many of them are people.

I did not say this at all. If you are playing in gold with no stars, you are matched by ranking and your MMR doesn’t matter.

If you have a star bonus and you’re getting blizzard bots, you have low MMR and that’s not my call, it’s literally how the game works now.

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There is no such algorithm; you are seeing what people are playing.

Just as you get to play what you want, so does everyone else (whether you like it or not).

You are not being matched with decks; you are being matched with opponents (who have free will.)

Specifically, the way a generic matchmaking system works is: players are matched against each other based on the amount of time they’ve been waiting in queue, pulling the two who have been waiting longest. There is no random number generation, the algorithm itself is purely non-random. What creates the “randomness” is when other players decide to press the button to join the queue; it’s literally their free will generating the randomness.

A matchmaking by skill algorithm is a variation on this. A player will be held in queue unless there is another player with a rating that’s within a particular range to pair them with. The longer a player waits before getting a match, the more the acceptable range will be increased. These days, after a certain amount of waiting the system will consider a Blizzard bot to be an acceptable opponent, and match you against that instead of a human just to get you out of the queue. But the point is that time spent in queue is always a factor, and rating is just an additional factor. Still no RNG involved.

I think BlizzBots are BS but this is how things work now.

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So today´s conspiracy is that if you create off-meta deck you get immediately countered? I thought it is other way around - if you create off-meta deck you confuse the system so much it wouldn´t know what to do and then you got eazy peazy wins - as was said here:
Created an off meta deck to confuse the matchmaking system
Now I am genuinely confused, could you “matchmaking rigged brigade” please at least stick with one version of your theory and not contradict yourselves?

your entire post comes off being written by a…young mind, so im going to politely patronize you as such while i right your wrongs.

  1. Understand that you cannot come up here saying you somehow “see more than us” and “play ALOT ALOT” basically insinuating you have expertise we plebs don’t have here, so we should probably just nod at what you have to say cause you’re special.

  2. Token decks are frankly one of the easiest to counter. Put some board generation with taunt and/or lifesteal and a bunch of removal in your deck and its GG WP. Just won’t do you alot of good when you’re up against a combo deck but thats how this game’s rock paper scissors work.

  3. Certain decks in the meta belong to certain ranks, there are plenty ‘rank floors’ where you start to see a certain deck way more than before. You might be in the Token DK rank, hardstuck cause they counter your homebrew deck. It’s better than running into the wall of face hunter from diamond 5 to legend.

  4. After you’ve lost a couple games, then try to switch to a deck that is meant to turn it around and you get another deck a couple times meaning your turnaround failed, its normal to be looking for some kind of link. But there is none, people sometimes forget about the RNG in RNGStone. Keep queueing your homebrew and hope you find something you counter, or change your decklist (or even netdeck like the other millions of us plebs did once in our lives before we got good at homebrewing) .

Keep up lil homie you got the spirit, it’s just that you chose a wrong gun with wrong ammo and aimed it at the wrong targets (this forum). Nobody will take you serious if you start your take with ‘i see/know more than others in here out of experience/skill diff’. You aren’t the first and you won’t be the last, but the community reaction stays negative.

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The trouble is that when they add all these data sets (and all of the other meta data collected in hearthstone) together, it proves the MMR system isn’t rigged, so they won’t do that.

Hell, I just saw a Twitter thread the other day complaining about the MMR system and lack of deck variety in 20 games of the top 10 legend…

It’s 10 people… how much variety do they expect?

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I have a star bonus. And yeah, more token DK today. Clearly not bots. They play like humans.

You said there is no such thing as “high gold” implying that your rank and mmr don’t matter in gold.

And I stand by the idea that there is not a “high gold” as gold is a low rank. So low as to not really matter.

That low rank is why it’s bot infested.

The UUU bots are the flavor of the month right now. You’re seeing stacks of them.

I posted this in another thread this morning. Let Zeddy tell you more.

This is a HUGE PROBLEM that is DESTROYING HEARTHSTONE! Blizzard needs to do SOMETHING! - YouTube

So, as I said, you are being rude. And condescending.

I’m telling you, it’s not bots I’m seeing. Actually people are clearly playing token unholy to try and get Graveyard Shift off. I believe my star bonus is 7 or 10, btw.