Special Quest Chain

Hey, I am pretty sure I bought that game on PC, but didn’t play a whole lot. I completely forgot about its existence. Is it still active? Is it better now than then?

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I guess I don’t follow how starwars: casino is any better than HS, but have fun!

Here I am still playing Fallout 4 and having much more fun than with HS!


I don’t know about the pc version because I play on xbox but the xbox version is still pretty active. There are like a dozen different gamemodes and some of the less popular ones have some difficulty finding matches but if you stick to the main game modes there is almost no queue times. All the issues with loot boxes when the game 1st came out have been cleared up and it’s a fun game to play.

i dont think its a chain when i clicked on it the game didnt show any other quests

This is disappointing, I woulda liked to have gotten the portrait but it makes no sense putting it behind a 1k gold paywall with a chance to fail to get the reward. You can get other portraits for under 2k…why would anyone chance the gold?

I think they just want you to use up as much gold and runestones as you can so you will feel obliged to buy the mini-set when it comes out. Even better if you spend for more than one attempt in the event.

You can probably tell I don’t like spending gold or money for limited runs in this game’s modes :stuck_out_tongue:

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The tavern brawl is quite obviously a bad deal. Be that as it may, what’s wrong with legendary quests? As far as I understand, they are not supposed to take any extra slots, although visually there appears to be only one slot for legendary quests, so I’m not sure about it… At least one of them is easy enough to get rid of, though, if you play the game at all.

When you close the quest, it communicates to Blizzard that you don’t want that quest. Obviously.

Really? ‘Obviously’? Communication doesn’t appear to be their strongest suit, and even much more… direct approaches to reaching out to them haven’t always been successful. Besides, even if they were listening, do you think they’d monitor what you do with your log? This quest is just scripted to be there, if you discard it, the server probably doesn’t care.

PS Forgot to mention, the other special quest is essentially a compensation for the lack of an ordinary tavern brawl this week. At least that’s some progress, if nothing else.

Eh, if they don’t notice it’s no skin off my nose. I didn’t want the quest.

Watch out: the first one is to PLAY A GAME. This doesn’t have to be brawl. Just one game and you get a free pack. Easy peasy. You would have gotten the pack from regular brawl, so it’s even easier than other weeks.

The second one is exclusively for the current Brawl. I skipped that. There are no more quests. It’s not a chain.

So you missed a free pack. Clever.

Does anyone know if the Hero portrait has all the bells and whistle of a new portrait or if it’s just emotes.

I’m talking unique HP effects/border etc.

This isn’t just wrong but shows a complete and utter misunderstanding of how it works. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

I should insert the relevant Billy Madison gif here.

Speaking of shop, is it ever going to open?

After doing some searching on your behalf (you can thank me later for it):


So, in short, no, just a portrait and emotes — ‘Tier 2’, as Stonekeep calls it, in case you use hearthstonetopdecks.com as a source of information.

More details about their classification

Tier 1 skins are “premium” ones while Tier 2 are more basic. In general, Tier 1 skins tend to include more extra features like completely new emotes, Hero Power animations, and some extra visual effects. Some of those might be also included in Tier 2 skins, but usually only 1 of those special features is present (if any). It’s not an official classification – it’s just something we use to differentiate between more basic and premium skins!

Somebody gorged themselves on their ‘stones’ (c) to the point of utter delirium again? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Told you (all) so…

This isn’t a forum of readers, the (vocal) majority seems to be ‘writers’ with their own ANGRY (and ‘ridiculous’, of course) ‘opinions’. Are you surprised at it? :grinning:

This question is like the (in)famous ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’ :grinning: Oh, and even if you have problems with the closed shop, which happens sometimes, what on Azeroth has it got to do with the topic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Thanks for the effort. Good to know I’m not missing out.

It is related because we can’t do the special quest without access to the shop derp. It has also been closed for weeks now, it isn’t just it happens sometimes. If you beat your wife that is your life my dude, and is actually what has nothing to do with the discussion.


That dude is a troll and based on his aggressive, childish and belligerent posting style is likely an alt of another poster who had the exact same style of writing.

:grinning: I wouldn’t call it a big loss, unless you really want that skin and are prepared to cough up a potentially large amount of gold or money. In fact, someone might be fortunate that such an issue would prevent them from falling for this… questionable deal. :grinning:

But there are multiple threads about the subject, and this one clearly isn’t one of them.

PS [Main Thread] Shop Closed after patch 25.2 (notice the ‘blue’ posts there)

Of course, I’ve gotta do this rather trivial search for you people, haven’t I? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t know if that was an attempt to appear ‘smart’ or not (what’s a ‘dude’, anyway? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ), but apparently you might be not very familiar with the concept of a so-called loaded question:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_question .

Just to clarify the point. In this particular case, the implication was that for some of us, the shop has never closed permanently in the first place.