Spamming “Well played”

Nothing gives me greater joy than absolutely stomping a player who spammed well played over and over again the entire match acting like they were guaranteed to win the match. The rage disconnect is so satisfying lol.


You are projecting what you would do. Those are generic lifeless emotes. For all you ACTUALLY know they might feel depressed they would lose; they might have a broken UI and it auto-spams it without them knowing; who knows what they might think it’s just an emote you know nothing about them.


I just squelch them at the beginning of the match.


Do you hear yourself? Like do you read what you write sometimes? Stop assuming everyone is an idiot and that we need your guidance to figure out human behavior. Also newsflash being a contrarian does not make you smarter than everyone else.


I said I CAN’T figure out human behavior with an emote. It’s just an emote; why should I be sure “they were sure to win”; for all I know they had their little sister testing buttons.

It seems you are projecting your unreasonable certainty about who others are onto me.

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Or those guys that prematurely do a well played, like they are guaranteed the win next turn, or expecting you to quit.
I like playing high burst damage decks.
Then you hit them with massive damage next turn. So satisfying.

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Correlations exist.

Still not causations.

Unfortunately, that pleasure was taken away from me when I realized that the very fact which makes them spam the emotes is also what makes it less pleasurable for me to win in such a way - tilt.

They’re doing it because they’re tilted, and they’re probably tilted because they’re lowrolling for a prolonged period of time, so me winning was the expectation, anyway.


You also project what you would do onto them. You have no clue why they emote; it’s just an emote; it’s a click.

They may be sarcastic or they may be serious; people keep complaining they are trying to be POLITE and people squelch them; you are the opposite of them.

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People read too much into emotes. What if they said well played because they think that you are going to win?


well he’s right about you assuming.
could also be that you opponent think you where playing a op deck.
there are many possibilities.


Personally speaking, whenever I say “well played,” I don’t mean it as “this game is over.” Ever. What I normally mean it as, is a sarcastic recognition of a misplay on my opponent’s part. For example, if I have no minions with Taunt, and you end your turn missing an attack with one of your minions, I’m hitting the “well played” button. If I am spamming the “well played” button, that means that I think you’re making multiple misplays per turn — I don’t think I’ve ever done this, but it’s theoretically possible.

If that tilts you, good. It doesn’t mean I’m tilted.

Less than 10% of the time, I might press the “well played” button unironically. Like if I see a play clearly superior to what I’d do myself. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say I’m tilted in those scenarios, but maybe a little intimidated.

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i press well played when my opponent does things i find interesting


If I ever clicked on “well-played” its two things. Either I knew I have lethal, or I have nothing else to use against my opponent.

Everyone is correct here because it can be misunderstood in those scenarios. I had a tess rogue use Reno on me when he acted like he had “planned” it since the beginning of the game. I clicked well-played because I knew as soon as he used Reno that was pretty much gg. I still had Amitus and Liadrin, but it was a full battlefield wide-aggro on his end so there was nothing I could do since I didn’t have a board wipe.

Regardless of how we understand players use emotes, for me it’s either greet or defeat.

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I say well played a lot when my opponent gets to play ramp on turns 1-3 as a joke xD

The hardcore druid players get it i think.

Once in a blue moon someone takes offense because for some reason they think that I think them ramping early improved my chances of winning xD

I say hello at start and well played at the end. I only spam if they did 1st.

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If you’re interested in talking about “anti-trolling” moves, my favorite is to be in an achievements deck in Wild casually playing my achievement cards and the opponent - possibly - bragging that they will win,

then you drop Nozdormu on the board.


For all you know, a gorilla wandered into your opponent’s room, bashed the keyboard and mouse, and accidentally spammed the “Well Played” emote five times.

Just saying, it’s a possibility.


It drops by design, if certain cards are played.