Spam ? Do you know what that mean?

You remove one of my post for spam ? And then you tell me to read the guidelines?

Could your please tell me what you think the word spam means ?? Beacuse i dont think you understand what the word means. I can suggest google too scale up your vocabulary.

I encounter a dumb card. I go in here to show my feelings about it. And you call it spam ??
Isnt that was thease forums is about?

Is it my words ? Because this Woke culture needs to go up where the sun never shines. Let me people say what they want.
And if i look at my post again. There is nothing to upset people?

So i would ask for a apology and that you please re post my post

Seems like you are super in need of a cuddle right now.

Sorry for your loss.

I hope they hear your desperate pleas and help you out.

Hah… cuddle could be nice.
I am more laughing than anything els. That you call my post for spam…