Soulstealer; Redesign

Should do an amount of damage and anything that dies provides a corpse. Recommended value is 3.
Flamestrike does 5 and that costs 7 mana while not providing board presence.

100% kill to the entire enemy board is a horrible design and honestly whom ever proposed / approved / implemented all need to be fired.

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Another toxic post crying for the termination of blizzard employes because you got countered by a card.

How many new posts are you going to make today?


It needs to be that strong, it costs three blood runes


How do you not see the problem with one card completely countering an entire board plus giving presence on said board?

How many are you going to read?

Well it’s easy actually, That card is played on turn 8. If I"m facing a Blood DK… I’m not going to put everything on the board to have it completely wiped off on turn 8. I anticipate that by the 8th turn they will have that card in hand, and I play around it.

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I didn’t read any of them. They’re all just different versions of the same complaints, I’m guessing.

that’s a horrible counter, what if they fill the board with minions? you’re just gonna thrown one unit on board and call it a day? the card is obviously poorly designed, it’s not as if DKs don’t have enough stall or board wipe cards. do you need corpse explosion, blood boil, this card, and frostwyrm bs stall card that they can apparently generate 3 extra copies every match.

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Could you just go away? All you do is complain and give nothing to these forums. Not once do you say anything positive or have an actual discussion, just “Fix it, Redesign” etc.

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He’s right, Death Knight is broken, denying it won’t make it less painful to face.


They are talking about a card generally present in Blood DK. A deck with zero WCs and mostly board clears. Sure, aggro will have a hard time winning past turn 6 or so, but it’s still beatable as long as you get through their clears. Frost and Unholy, something this OP doesn’t mention, are pretty strong but not what they’re talking about.

Does it changes the fact that Death Knight is too strong?

You don’t fully commit with what you have in hand to the board if you know there is a possibility that they are going to devour all your minions.

Does it suck that cards get devoured, yes, are there some cards that are a pain to deal with, yes. I’m not a fan of this card, but I’m not going to whine about it needing a nerf when it’s not a guaranteed win if my opponent plays this.

There are always going to be cards that we all don’t like going up against, but that’s the nature of the game. We as players need to adapt and focus on what we can do rather than complaining about how it should be.


You could also try to play some Death Knight yourself, it can help understand the flaws it has.

Not within the argument of this post, no.

I mean, as long as Marrowgar exists, every class must have smth to balance it
Afaik no one ever complained about Marrowgar, but imagine removals didn’t exist

You are i***t shut up