Why do you nerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice ?
Mage decks are mostly fun decks and other classes much stronger anyway. There was never a top meta mage deck ever in history of hs?
I only play mage and all my decks rely on this card. All of my decks i play for years will be gone. All. If this card is nerfed the only option is quiting this game. I think i talk for all mage players. Not even a standard card.
Thank god they are nerfing this card. Just lost against a mage on turn 4 because he had Drek’Thar. Such a toxic solitaire deck. Thank you Blizzard!
Drek’Thar is a new card. How long does Sorcerer’s Apprentice exist?
I am playing HS since it come out. The only time ever Mage deck could compete with other decks was the classic freeze mage. Every time there is an update i am excited about new mage changes. But it looks like other classes always become much more stronger and mage much weaker. Makes no sense if you look at the Meta.
If Sorcerer’s Apprentice gets nerfed how many decks will be gone Blizzard?
Antonidas Mage: gone
Ignite Mage: gone
Exodia Mage: gone
Flamewalker Mage: gone
Mozaki Mage: gone
Questline Mage (Way gate): gone
And alot more fun decks gone
What will be left?
This feels like an early april fool to me.
You just can’t do it Blizzard.
Stay mad. I’m sick of mages just spamming 0 cost spells until I’m dead. Frankly the nerf should have been “cannot reduce spells below 1” and have that effect be applied to all classes (looking at you druids), but any nerf is welcome to me.
You dont realize that you should be happy for any mage you face. Mage is pretty rare. If this update happens mage will die out completely.
there is a fun deck in wild that kills you on turn 4-6 thanks to sorcerer apprentice
mage in wild was the most prevalent class ever, before UiS came out.
If they properly balance quest warrior/warlock, mage could start playing secrets again
Dumbest nerf in the history of Hearthstone. They basically removed it from the game.
If nerfing SA means no more nonsense solitaire decks then I say nerf it to 9 mana.
I am going to play mage back to back until the patch now and give it a proper send off. Secret mage has been dead to me since I didn’t like the cards introduced in madness set.
I expect that as a result of this the meta is going to get significantly more expensive overall and wild is actually about to slow down a lot, controls coming back for sure. I get relegated to classic where I can actually afford to play more than just aggro.
I don’t get why it’s nerfed to 4 mana but left as a 3/2, Surely it’s ok to increase its stats right?
Well there are actually not many decks in hearthstone that I would find interesting to craft now, it’s like they want to delete all of the combo decks. Increasing the stats from 3/2 would make it a playable card, it would feel very generic if not used as a combo enabler and at 4 mana it will never be used in the same way again.
I’m actually having a lot more fun in classic than I am having in wild/standard when I play minion based decks. It feels like every interaction had a lot of time and consideration put into it whereas now they just print cards too fast and don’t care so much. I’d probably enjoy the game a lot more if they printed 1 new set each year and gave it more careful consideration about the interactions.
pls not mana price here is better Nerf SA
“your spells cost 1 less BUT NOT LESS than 1”
the mana cost nerf is fine…but why didnt they buff its stats a little ! they shouldve bumped its health to 3 !
There are so many combo decks right now that it seems the opposite to me
They are trying to remove all control/value decks, if anything
Good Riddance !!!
Sorcerer’s Apprentice Nerf
CAN’T STOP LAUGHING…from 2 mana to 4
Mages were not even problem to begin with. Yeah please buff more pirate warriors and quest spell hunters that killing everyone on turn 5.
Probably because “they’ll still use it” obviously it’s all about the effect of the card, not the body. That said I don’t see why the body couldn’t get buffed, like I just said, it’s not about the body of the card that was so good, tho of course being a 2 mana 3/2 certainly helped. By hearthstone logic it should be a 5/4 now.
You don’t speak for all mages. As a mage main I think they should have blanket nerf’d the entire game so that no card can ever discount another card to 0 ever. It would cut back on a lot of issues this game has.
They want to eliminate the combo decks that are both consistent and fast. Drek’Thar made SA a much bigger problem than it was before, enabling reasonably consistent Turn 5-6 kills. And it’s not like SA wasn’t an issue before Drek’Thar, she has dodged major nerfs for many years now.
please not nerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice
i just play mage .please not nerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice card .I can not play without this card. I chose this game more because of this card. Please reconsider. And do not nerf the card