Soooo Blizzard bots still on ladder?

So Blizzard said they removed all of their bots. However, I’m facing an opponenet that is name “Your Opponent” and in the soical menu it does not show that I"m currently in a battle with anyone. And they don’t even show in my match history.

The only way for me to actually know that I played them is by watching my replay.

So blizzard lied when they said they removed bots from ladder.

Your opponent has streamer mode activated or has chosen to appear offline in the app. It replaces the regular battle tag that you would see with “Your Opponent”. It also means that they don’t show up as a recent opponent in your history


So then how are we suppose to report these accounts if we suspect they are cheating then?

Do you suspect your opponent of cheating? Do you mean by botting or something else?

Botting is the same thing as cheating.

Yes, I am aware. I was just trying to understand what you meant specifically.

So you suspect your recent opponent of botting? Is that what you are saying?

Where did they say they removed their own bots ? Genuinely asking
I’m only aware of the mass unofficial bots ban waves

I play Whizzbang in standard after many months not being in that mode and I definitely play against a good number of bots

" * [Hearthstone] Blizzard Bots have been removed from the Standard ranked ladder. They are now limited to Apprentice (and new/lower-ranked Battlegrounds games), where they will continue to serve their role in smoothing out matchmaking for newer players."


I’m seeing this too for the first time, I think they’re doing this as a countermeasure to make it so that you can’t report them anymore or have an obvious bot name

It’s because you probably accidentally turned on “Streamer Mode”. Press CTRL-SHIFT-S to turn it on or off. This can be done on any screen.

Streamer mode disables the display of your Battletag (like YourName#1234), and changes the names on the battle screen to “You” and “Your Opponent”.

BOTS are still definitely active. I can tell it’s a BOT when their name is in this format. GreyLion. RedWolf. BlueGoose. I see them all the time…and I absolutely refuse to believe that all of a sudden there was a super big run on people taking names like this. I’ve played HS since the very beginning and I’ve never seen this before.

I thought it was Blizzard bots at first but the nnoticed that they appear in the recently played users, which official bots don’t if I’m not wrong.