Something very strange is happening today

For the first time in what seems like a couple of years now, I have not run into a single MightyOwl, GreyImp, or any lame blizzard bot name on ladder.

All of my opponents seem to be acutal humans as none of them have been inteacting witht their deck or board in the repetible bot fashion.

And everyone has been saying hello and for the most part well played…

Did I wake up in an alternate universe today?

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Maybe your MMR finally got out of bot dumpster range.


It’s been a while that there are no more blizzard bots on the ladder, since the officially removed them outside of the apprentice ranks.
The only bots you’re “supposed” to face are the unwanted ones made by players that they are banning regularly
They may have banned enough for you not to face them at your usual/current ranking :man_shrugging:
Could also be a side effect of the last matchmaking change

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Nope playing at the same level… doing the same climb as always.

As Derkan stated, matchmaking has changed. Depending on what rank you usually play, you could be facing different people than you used to play

It was a rhetorical question.

Obviously I did not think you woke up in an alternate universe, but I am curious how the matchmaking change may have affected player experience, and I was hoping for possibly some further elaboration from you since you did create the topic