Someone teach me this trick

Played 4 plague DKs, all had Helya on turn 4, meanwhile I almost never get her turn 4. Someone teach me the trick.

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There are two ways:

  1. Spend a lot of money to activate their VIP system, which will lead them to adjust your account accordingly.
  2. Become a popular Hearthstone streamer so that they are forced to modify your account in order to deceive the public into thinking that winning is easy.

The bigger question is. Did he win even with Helya on curve?

I won the last 2 games, I donā€™t remember how the others went, the last guy even hit me with plenty of plagues (2 and 3 a turn sometimes, when I still had more than half my deck to draw), but his luck ended in the end when I didnā€™t draw any plagues for 3 straight turns and I was at 3 hp at some point. Thing is I play plague dk too and boy Helya on 4 is not so easy to get and everytime I play a dk they always have her on 4, is really annoying.
First time you see someone playing a 3-4 mana important card on curve you are like ok, 2nd time in a row, fine. But 3rd and 4th Iā€™m already calling bs.

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I would, but to teach some people is to spoil theirā€¦ sheer brilliance. :rofl:

I do recall you being good enough to receive some ā€˜privilege pointsā€™ from a hypothetical rigging algorithm, though, but maybe there are not enough ā€˜boonsā€™ for everyone in the flock. :rofl: So yeah, Iā€™d suggest being yourself, except more visibly so. :grinning: I dunno, upgrade your supposedly oh-so-awesome battletag to something even more stellar (you can look for more examples in my post lined above), write some more posts on the forum with your genuine thoughts :rofl: ā€” perhaps you will be noticed by the system. Oh, and donā€™t forget reading lots of reddits etc and doing what thet suggest there, it might help. :rofl:

Hmm, has this reply turned out tooā€¦ serious? :thinking: No, I suppose itā€™s an adequate response to the question raised. :rofl:

PS Oh, yeah, I suppose one could also spend lots of cache to promote your YouTube channel or similar, paint oneā€™s hair green and upload garbage content, behaving like an obnoxious hyperactive overgrown kid and screaming something like, ā€œIā€™M A CACTUS!ā€ Some even have managed to get into the ā€˜big streamerā€™ category like that, apparently. :smirk:


Hard mulligan every game

Yeah me tooā€¦ and Pure Paladin who has Muster for Battle and Crusader Aura at hand ALWAYS in turn 4ā€¦ yeahā€¦ so randomā€¦ or DK which is destroying FROM all of my minions in deck the horsemen in 90%ā€¦ yeahā€¦ so randomā€¦ OR when I prepare for Aggro decks then get only Warrior and Warlockā€¦ when switch to non-anti aggroā€¦ then get only aggroā€¦ yeahā€¦ so random and so skill basedā€¦ pathetic reallyā€¦ The game decides if you are able to rank up or not. Just let it go and donā€™t spend a single cent for this game if canā€™t accept thatā€¦ Random is NOT random in this game anymore in 50%ā€¦ it is controlled when the game want you to loseā€¦ it is simple as thatā€¦ I think this is mostly about the bonus star amount the two players have. If you enemy still has any extra bonus starsā€¦ then the RNG favors him and force you to lose. Just think about it when you get absolute win streaks too until your bonus stars hold. The game is using other playerā€™s forced lose matches to let the opponent rank up.

You have to make sure the deck slot she is in is a prime number. Youā€™re 500% more likely to draw those cards in your opening hand.

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You just need the +30% Value Diamond Helya Bundle.

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How I feel about totem shaman. Stonewright on curve is broken, but if youā€™ve ever played the deck you rarely get it.

Ahhhh there it is.
Donā€™t you folks remember my recent post on the super hidden secret algorithms, buried behind several mysterious paywalls?
Donā€™t you remember all of the evidence I provided? Donā€™t you?

If Iā€™m having a rough streak, I just head to the shop to make a purchase, and voila! I win my next few games!

Scrotie on these very forums actually put me on ignore because even with his smarts, he couldnā€™t decode the algorithm. Clear jealousy I say. Spend less time rotting your mind with South Park and more time decoding blizzards paywall algorithms, and the cornucopia of data will present itself! For sure! Iā€™m pretty sure. Usually it will some of the time.

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I bet they said, " Helya!" while you were saying, ā€œHelno!ā€

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Unless people couldnā€™t tell, it was mostly a salty post because I was having the worst of luck 2 days ago, while my opponents kept getting perfect draws. But I already got to legend so Iā€™m just playing fun decks now. I made the Helya post mostly because I think I lost one of the 4 matches against those people and I consider plague DK free wins.

With what? :grinning: Looking for it, getting a 404 error.

Relevant to those whoā€™ve got something left to rot yet. :grinning:

No need to trouble yourself, I think my stellar rigging theory (linked above) explains it all. :grinning:

By the way, your particular account doesnā€™t contradict my more general theory: if one is ā€˜smartā€™ enough to splash on those oh-so-valueable bundles in the shop, then the system may decide that they might indeed need someā€¦ paraintellectual help. :rofl:

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