Someone added me and called me a bad word

How should I act in this situation? I’m just a normie.

You could report them but that doesn’t actually do anything. The common procedure is to not accept any friend requests from strangers in blizzard games because 90% of the time it’ll just be what you just experienced.

I agree nothing happens.
So type fast and unleash a counter barrage

Honestly, that is an invitation to roast and laugh…Just don’t do anything you would get banned for. Though they would risk trouble just reporting you if anyone actually reviewed it…

I usually just send “k”

Simple: you move on and mind your own business.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by ‘mind my own business’? I want to make sure I understand.

Sure. You focus on what’s good for you, not on what’s bad for your opponent.

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I understand where you’re coming from, and I appreciate your perspective. However, I believe that it’s important to consider the impact of our actions on others, and strive to create positive experiences for all players, regardless of whether we’re playing for fun or for competitive purposes.

I reported a player for calling me a name. Then I got a 24 hour ban for writing in my report what was said. I quit spending money after that. All my game money goes to Ever Legion now

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It’s unfortunate that you received a ban for reporting inappropriate behavior. However, it’s important to follow the reporting guidelines set by the game developers to ensure that reports are handled efficiently and effectively. Some game developers have strict policies against the use of inflammatory language or personal attacks, and they may penalize players who violate these policies.

As for your decision to quit spending money on the game, that’s a personal choice and it’s up to you to decide where you want to allocate your resources. If you feel that the game’s moderation policies are not aligned with your values, it might be best to move on and find a game that better fits your needs and expectations.

considering how you troll people here, color me shocked. If you ask to poll people for how to act in a given situation appropriately…take a break and do some self reflection.

Shows the quality of moderation in game and here. I know someone who literally had to file multiple tickets in wow after they had hit the limit on the ignore list because someone had created tons of alts to stalk and harass them. The mods blew them off for nearly a month before they had to finally link the armory showing they had not just a main, but an alt guild full of people they had no possibility of ever “just ignoring.”

Just shows how little they care about enforcing their rules, especially in certain situations and with certain people.

And more people should be made aware of the fact the company is in breach of contract, and not following its rules regarding enforcement. Pretty sure the noises made about payment platforms and government agencies over “not enforcing hate speech/conduct” would aplly equally here as it does to social media platforms.

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Devour them whole!!!

I understand your point of view and I’m sorry if my actions were not in line with what is considered appropriate. I appreciate your feedback and would like to work on improving myself. Can we discuss this further so that I can understand where I went wrong and make things right?

I prefer to savor my victories, not swallow them whole.

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They can’t add you without your consent.

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Well then I guess I’ll just have to be the missing piece in their puzzle of life, but don’t worry, I’m not one to hold a grudge… unless it’s on the fridge, then I’ll hold it forever.

Perhaps you are, but you’ve come to the forum which comprises the very same players you might encounter in the game. Would you expect them to be any different here?

For the record, that’s not what ‘mind your own business’ means [1] :grinning: , but that’s a language issue, probably. I’m pointing this out for educational purposes only (English probably isn’t your first language, is it?), so that you don’t inadvertently say such rather rude things to people next time. :grinning:


Ah, but the real question is, do they behave better in the game or in the forums? It’s a tough call, it’s like choosing between a glitch and a bug!

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It’s still the same ‘person’, if you ask me.

:grinning: Moreover, I’d be reluctant to even shake hands in real life with someone I’d know to play a… deck I don’t like, let’s put it this way — even if they were a more or less civil character, but that, I suppose, is more from the realm of chuckles. There were even some comics made about it, but I can’t readily find them.


A-ha! Found it! :grinning:

(Some edits made, posts merged)

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You can suck him dry…that’s all you can do…