Somebody help me plz

I have played this game for years. I took a break for a while and i came back during last rotation. I had a decent grip on things. I hit D1 almost legend. I swear since i posted a bad post i got a bad rng from blizzard. I have no idea what’s going this rotation. Every tend deck i face they never and i mean ever get a bad spell casted. I go against a turn 7 shaman who just casts nothing but spells in my face and i have no clue how he got those cards in his hand and why do they all cost 0? I again went against a shaman who this time played a card where it just said cast a random card…a 7/7 that casted literally 8 mobs on turn 8 with taunt divine shield and all above 5/6 hp. What am i missing? How are these combos happening? Is it the workshop? If anybody could please help me understand what’s going on i would love to know. My two biggest questions is. How is shaman one shotting me with 30 hp on turn 7. He even end his turn with 3 mana left over. All his spells costed 0. The other question is. The tend deck. Is there some card that they have in theri deck where they only cast benificial spells? because i know somebody is going to say RNG. but 20 spells casted in one game and not a single one was bad for them. This happened in many games i’ve played. i feel something is off.

This game is incredibly streaky, especially if you’re playing a more aggressive deck. It’s perfectly normal to win like 15 in a row and then keep losing for days.

OTK nature shaman. We’ve already complained about the deck and tomorrow it’s getting nerfed, so then it shouldn’t be a problem.

When they use Flash of lighting, that’s the signal they’re going to all in you next turn. That spell draws a card and makes their nature spells cost 1 less next turn, and most of the spells they use to OTK you are 1 mana cost before the discount, so their spells cost 0.

You either have to run them down before turn 6 or get some armor, and keep your health on 30 if possible

When they cast 9 tendrils, every additional tendril will cast a 10 mana spell. There are only 2 10-mana spells in the pool: Table flip (deal 3 dmg to all enemy minions) and Sunset Volley (deal 10 dmg randomly split accross all enemies and summon a 10 cost minion), which is probably what you were asking about xD

what i’m saying on that last note was the ramp up to 10. every spell they cast is benificial to them and not anything but. It’s random i know but there has to be bad spells

No, there doesn’t have to be bad spells. Why would anyone pay 10 mana for a bad spell? And why would anyone bother ramping tendrils to 10 if it could cast a bad spell numerous times?

This post seems more like you’re seeking confirmation on something, but you won’t find it here.

It sounds like you’ve explained the current OTK Shaman deck. Their cards discover and reduce costs for spells.