Some card concepts i'd like to see in the game

just randomly thinking about some card concepts while i grind out the preist’s “heal 5000 times” achievement:

neutral minion card, forge endlessly: if this is a minion, convert into a spell, if this is a spell, convert into a minion … i guess a battlecry or “aura” card with some effect that can be converted into a spell effect

keyword: “replaceable” ?? (these terms need some work) – minion slot can be “overridden” … either brought back to hand or destroyed by played card (meant for full board states to allow getting a card out of hand)

keyword: “board shuffle” ?? – randomly shuffle board position (concept can be only friendly minions, only “allied” meaning all minions shuffle but only for the respective owners, or all minions randomly pick a side/position of the board – very yogg-like effect)

keyword: “hot swap” ?? – swap the position of either 2 targeted friendly or 2 targeted enemy units (a tech card to make certain “adjacent” cards more effective)

priest spell card: deal 1 damage to all minions, friendly minions heal for twice damage dealt, overheal: gain +1 health for each damage overhealed (basically creating a “lifesteal” effect, but for minions … with spell damage, friendly minions gain more health)

priest minion card: heal your other minions for the amount overhealed to your hero

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