Remember that Paladin minions have Divine Shield.
compare to Earthen Might also
Ah yeah more powercreep, still though the class needs alot of it
i dont think shamans can choose to replace hand of adal for trusty companion
Trusty companion is so crazy good. It can be used as a buff AND targeted draw. Don’t let anyone here tell you it’s not a major power creep, it 100% is.
This card is the first to get hit with a nerf from the cards we’ve seen so far. It’s busted good, especially in wild where it’s absolutely nuts.
Consider hand of adal was the focus of many, many nerf requests… this card will be so good.
it balances out when the rest of shamans cards look as weak as they do lol
Its safe to asume it will draw 2 on a dualtype?
dehydrate is a power creeped tidal surge
but i dont see powercreep with trusty companion because the other one is a paladin card
Probably worth mentioning Hand is a common, and a core card (0 dust investment).
Trusty Companion is epic (800 dust investment).
And seriously, it’s a different class.
Doesn’t shaman have a divine shield windfury elemental?
Devs continuing the march to design oblivion.
I don’t know what’s wrong with my fellow colleagues here, but apparently they are under the impression that power creep can only exist inside a class. That’s not how it works.
Furthermore, I don’t think they are fully grasping the power of the targeted draw and might only be looking at the stat buff.
The targeted minion draw is the biggie here. There is very limited targeted minion draw in this game. And the ones we have usually have a lot of downside. This is a major upside. You can run eight different minion types two of each minion… this will guarantee you draw the other. It’s absolutely incredible.
I don’t think they’re realizing the potential here.
No. I don’t understand how anyone could possibly read the card and actually think this.
I think achievement hunting has gone to your brain if you think that’s incredible. I mean, I’m not saying that it can’t be done, I’m just saying so what if it can?
I think it is a wonderful card that will go in pretty much any shaman deck moving forward. Also keep in mind shaman is a class that sorely lacks draw and has plenty windfury and lifesteal minions, so even just the buff can be very useful here.
That said, I wouldn’t say it is a bonkers card, just a really good card. Could eat a nerf eventually if shaman turns out to be too good, but I wouldn’t hold my breath tbh.
In that example, I was only talking about a general deck to show how you can use the card.
Let’s try another example in a much more realistic scenario. Let’s say you’re running a normal deck. No minion specific type, but you happen to be running 2 copies of an elemental And 4 copies of 2 other beasts somewhere else in the deck. Nothing special, just a normal deck.
This card gets you those other copies. You have control. Need your other elemental? You got it. Need your other beast? You got it.
Another scenario. you’re running a combo deck. Your combo piece happens to be of minion type x. You just run two other minions of that same type, and now you have tutor draw to your combo card.
This card is nuts. You don’t get targeted draw like this.
Shudderwock shaman in wild. Now you can tutor Grumble much easier. Now you can tutor Loatheb. This single card now allows shaman to tutor any single minion that has a type. It’s insane.
And we’re not even talking about the stat buff on top of it.
Nothing to disagree with here.
You know I’m primarily a combo player but I’m just not seeing this use AT ALL. No, you don’t want to be running two of a card just so you can use it on another card that you only have two of. And even then you only have a 50% chance because you could get the other noncombo piece.
I’m not saying that this is a bad card, it’s a good buff plus value in situation #1. But situation #2 is fake. This card is NOT a good tutor for combo decks.
Just have to strongly disagree. When I’m playing shudderwock or even any deck where one of my strongest minions are a minion type and I want to draw it, this is the type of card I’m looking for to exist in my deck building. The fact that it gives tempo with the buff as well is icing on the cake.
So many decks are running multi minion type decks. This card is a godsend to those decks. Even a deck that has 3 minion types only would benefit from this card. Buff and guarantee card draw to the card you want? Yes please.
Well I challenge you, at any time in the next two years, to point to a COMBO deck using this card to achieve a winrate above 50% in T1KL or D4-1 according to VS.
I even kinda doubt its use in Shudderwock Shaman in Wild. I do kinda see it but that’s mostly because Shudderwock is actually allergic to Battlecry draw. But I’m not as certain as you are. I don’t see it as being strong as a tutor, but because it’s a good spell with the word “draw” in it.
I have no doubt that stuff like Totem Shaman (but not necessarily Totem Shaman) will use this to some success.