Solo adventures Dalaran Heist & Tombs of Terror still off!

Why are these solo adventures still not allowing me to choose my deck from the ones i have unlocked? I have both normal and heroic modes completed, all characters and decks unlocked. The shop is still closed so i cannot even purchase a different solo adventure! Blizzard makes this game impossible to have fun with or love for solo players as it is! We have spent quite a bit of time and money on this game for blizzard to not rectify these issues…

I’m sorry you can’t handle the two slightly different looking slot machines in a casino where you’re constantly lied to about the presence of skill, you see these campaigns are special because you can build a deck that could only survive the year the adventure was released AGAINST only enemies who could survive you. Maybe you should go watch a video about a guy wasting 3 hours on captain eudora before he gets 1 perfect run to give you an idea of how to build yourself on the next run through the slot machines