Solo Adventure: Descent of Dragons

Hi, guys, still new and learning. I am checking out the purchasable solo adventures and was wondering. Am I better off purchasing the Descent of Dragons solo adventure in terms of card rewards or should I buy packs? I am hoping to unlock Galakrond and some invoke cards. the DoD adventure says it rewards up to 35 cards.

Galakrond’s Awakening (the DoD adventure) has cards that can only be obtained by owning the adventure. That means you can’t get them in DoD packs, or craft then with dust. Depending on what classes you play, you might or might not be able to get by without these cards: Mage, Warrior and Hunter get some pretty powerful cards from it (The Amazing Reno, Risky Skipper, Rotnest Drake), as well as the neutral Escaped Manasaber.

If you don’t play any of these classes, you might still find a use for the cards, but it will depend on the decks you play.


Thank you. I am fond of playing mage, actually. Through the adventure, will I also unlock Galakrond and related evoke cards? Would you recommend also buying DoD packs on top of the adventure?

Edit: Just want to be sure. :wink: And hello again Max! :yum:

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You should unlock Galakrond and one of the invoke cards (Shield of Galakrond) when you open your first DoD pack. As for any extras, I would open at least 10 to get your guaranteed Legendary cards (you are guaranteed to find a legendary card within the first 10 packs of any expansion). After those 10, it really depends on what you play. It might be worth buying this year’s expansions instead, unless you need a lot of epic and legendary cards from DoD.


I see, thank you. Um, dumb question like my many others, but will there be an Sholomance Academy solo adventure released at some point?

It’s a perfectly reasonable question. As far as we know, there will be a solo adventure for Scholomance Academy. However, it will likely not be like Galakrond’s Awakening, but more like Trial by Felfire, the solo adventure released with Ashes of Outland. This means the adventure itself is free, but it won’t give you playable cards the way Galakrond’s Awakening did.

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Oh, okay, I understand. I actually did Trial by Felfire yesterday, by chance. :smile:

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Dalaran Heist was a fun adventure. Fifteen normal card packs for clearing the normal chapters if I remember right. There are other extras as well. You can choose from all classes except Demon Hunter if you unlock all the chapters. You also get to play with a lot of good cards since you build a deck as you go through each chapter. I recommend the Paladin and the Rogue especially.

In your case, spend 80 packs in good packs, discard everything and get 6000 dust in luck.