So with upcoming patch. like to add some suggestions

I’d like to see a bit more changes than just the troublesome ones.

Here are some buffs/nerfs I’d like to see.
I won’t be targeting druid as I think the entire class should be reworked. ramp has always been an annoyance. or warrior, plenty said already.

I’ll mostly cover shaman.

Tomb traitor. 1 plague → 2 plagues.
It’s too good for this deck. it’s not like they lack plagues, but it may make it so they fail it at one time or another. It would match “Down with the ship” and Kvaldir.

The fact that elem mage took so long to pop up, when it has the card draw and mana cheat…

  • unchained glad +1mana
  • Reverberations + 1mana

Forge of willis: give it the CQ treatment, 4 mana.

  • Reverberations + 2 mana :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


  • Countess, 1 mana cost…


  • Creation Protocol: 3 mana. damn it’s strong.
  • Cathedral of atonement: I think might be a bit too good, 2 charges.

Al’akir is fine strangely. won’t play it as is, but happy when rng it.

  • Fire elemental. 6 mana 6/5 deal 4, now that mage got 5 mana 7/4 deal 7… warlocks have an auto fireball face legendary… Time to buff. 6 dmg face. still won’t be played funny enough. might even need to be 5 mana additionally.
  • Brass elemental. add lifesteal. or 3 mana, so useless today. or give back canal slogger…
  • Framester. 2 mana 3/2
  • Tempest hammer. 3 mana, compared to a 1/3 shuffle plague/ summon totem this is a joke…
  • Overlord drakuru, 8 mana.
  • Infested watcher, really nothing can save this card. 5/5 at least…
  • Thorghast custodian, never seen it. leave it til rotation… or give it an permanent taunt.
  • Pack the house, 6 mana. in itself it never wins a game… by 7 mana, any class removes it by ease AND we get locked to 6 mana…

But seriously, totem shaman is just such a good deck synergy, that I cannot say which card should be nerfed, if you target Anchored, you may kill it off like all other shaman decks.

shaman only needs an Elemental draw card like mage to make that viable. I can confidently say after testing it, that if shaman had 4 mana draw for each elemental, that that’s the only thing missing. so be careful when printing that card.

And a finisher like all other slower decks…
I want a 7 mana 6/6: battlecry for the rest of the game, cast a random nature spell.
Unlike DK, this may lightning bolt my own face or summon a rag for opponent. RNG is fun amirite.

Yogg should rotate out when anomalies rotate out. it’s a card that does too much for decks it shouldn’t help.

But most important nerf of all, is the mindset of the designers. it’s not a good design just because all classes can run the same OP cards. these have always led to complains and unfun moments.

That’s today’s rant post, need to think about my next complaint post.

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After the last balance patch… I am not daring to speculate anything anymore… :slight_smile:

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Unholy DK barely has big board removals (unless it’s 8+ mana) so I feel like they should leave their cards alone for now.

Yogg needs to be reworked.

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They should really do something about Priest… Creation Protocol is a joke… It is just disgusting to see a Priest use a Titan 4 times… How is this fair? Why these developers can’t think before desing such card? :\

I have to agree here.

They have really gone the wrong way with Priest for Control. I believe that Priest players themselves were happy with just Synchronize to get access to more copies of your cards, but Creation Protocol is a very greedy/annoying card.

Being forced to play against 3 Ignis or 3 Aman’thul and potentially more with the 2nd copy of the card is absurd. And this problem will only get worse with more powerful cards being printed for Priest to copy more of.

I don’t think I am biased here, because I myself play the Class but when I face it it feels miserable to play against.

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Yes, it should be changed to not let copy, discover Legendary minions or any other minion which can give a Legendary… for example.