So who actually buys those hero portraits?

This isn’t a complicated topic, but is there honestly anyone who buy the endless flow of hero portraits?

I mean I have to stop myself from laughing, as they KEEP posting the SAME characters over and over and over again with slight artistic variations.

We have a billion versions of tyrande, rokara, sylvannas, xyrella and the list goes on.

I understand that you guys don’t want to hire new voice actors but come on. Oh wait, you need new voice actors for every card, so why keep recycling characters?

On that note, why are there constantly new hero portraits but no new custom hero powers? And why can’t we choose our own custom hero power? I’m interested in some portraits, but never bought them as they remove my existing cool hero power special effect.

And to top it off, why can’t we buy older portraits directly from the library. I mean many of these portraits are almost worthlessly lame, but we can’t buy them for gold or money out-of-season?

So, to spell it out, if blizzard wants our money, which I’m happy to give, please enable us to buy hero portraits out of season directly from the library, enable us to customize our hero power effects separate from the portraits and make more custom hero power portraits.

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Zeddy has all of them. My husband used to buy them all but they got to be too much after a while.

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Adults with too much free time.

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People that play this game. I have like 10 warlock portraits. A few of them I bought with gold.

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cant remember a skin like the new cthun one

woudlnt hurt if they improved the eye beam but doesnt look that bad !


If they have one that looks really nice and I can buy it with gold, I’ll pick it up.

Liadrin in particular gets my loyalty with every portrait. She’s just cool.

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Obligatory “huh,” “what?”

Did you forget they already did an old god skin?

The nzoth warlock portrait.

Took them forever to fix that really odd hammer/blade line when she clearly had a different weapon in hand.

im pretty sure nzoth isnt cthun

oh and in case anyone is wants the jaraxxustein skin its on the store with the card back and 5 warlock packs for 1500 gold

they’re both old gods, as in

if you posted the “exact same” you might have a point.

and on top of it, making cthun a druid…that requires some next level brain trust.

Simply both being old gods is where the similarity ends. The person you’re replying to is right 100%. The new cthun skin is way different than any other portrait so far, including nzoth. I’m guessing you may not have seen it in play yet.

Hence “like” not “same.”

The person you replied to was 100% correct.

Every premium portrait has a gimmick. In that way, it’s also very much like every other portrait. Also:

was even more ad spam really necessary?

Yep, I buy almost every one.

It’s nice to see so much variety. I played back in the day when there were NO heroes besides default, and it sucked. Happy to reward Blizzard when they give us interesting options we can choose…far more annoyed by when we can’t choose (like signature cards, which are polluting the game and we can’t kill them).

They not let us to buy just any hero portrait at any time I think to make us visit the shop regularly. Refresh happens on every Tuesday. :slight_smile:

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my bad; whats wrong with signature cards? other than they dont pop as much some of them look decent like the new priest one looks goodish

I’d really like to get the new C’thun portrait, I just find the Old Gods so cool - but I just can’t afford to pay £22 for it, thats nearly a weeks worth of food…

maybe he is right and you didnt see it

I have brought with real money, 1, 2 maybe 3.

Have had a bunch for free from rewards track,

I have gotten perhaps half a dozen for achievements etc.

you and “he” should read more.

^^^ Standard omega-redditor here. We get it, you have an opinion that differs from everyone else’s. You don’t need to shove your same exact, baseless, argument over and over again to each person in this forum post. And, all of it just simply to be argumentative and toddler-esque rather than actually adding anything of substance.

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Last time I checked, boreas and “you” weren’t everyone.

See above.

Considering 50% of your 4 posts is here…I’d tell one of you to hide your alt better, but you missed the subtle hints so far.

Says the person who overreacted to being directed to the definition of “like” as a comparison.

But feel free to keep overacting to cthun making zero sense as a druid.

Maybe I found matt’s non blue account.

And yes, boreas didn’t delete his twitter post he put on here fast enough.

I’m still @-ing him for this.

; )