So when demon hunter going to be nerf

This class is crazy it basically counter everything you can throw at. I was hit almost 20 damage in two turns and I was near 30 health. I mean talk about op class it has answer for ever archetype. is there anything to stop demon hunter or is it going to be nerf 6 months later.


Arena is worse, if you have those five arena tickets save them for later.

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i beat them with spell mage bad mulligan can hurt but they r not unstopabble.

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Yeah it’s insanely broken. I’m not sure what the team was thinking printing some of those cards. They’re just objectively better than their counterparts from the other classes.

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Spell Mage loses instantly to Antaean. They have counters, but spell Mage isn’t one of them

Oh come on guys… the 7 mana Ragnaros that is actually better (splits up and can attack) and that you can include 2 of in your deck which can be easily pulled out is totally fair!


hard to believe its the same poster


I just love the new class, playing in Wild. Tons of healing, finally I can take aggro and face out, I slotted Zilliax and Khartut to aid and I can have end game as well, something really lacking in my wild Paladin builds in Wild.

that before a continue same amount damage ever match up. With amount card draw demon hunter has it can do the same thing over and over. So the card lineup the is same for most finishers. Plus this class can counter all archetypes at the moment.

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Every single mode is an absolute clown fiesta at the moment. Hope you sell alot of packs Blozzard

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i love fiestas so its been fun so far

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Grats Blizzard. You wiped all other classes. Kiss bye to all other classes. DH are boring to play at one point. You need more interesting games! DH is only. Face Face Face! Lol it is ME SO SMART ME FACE… :slight_smile:


… and this is what is eye-opening thinking for Standard players.

The class is viable in Wild with a significantly smaller pool of cards and Wild, obviously, has a higher power level. I mean Wild can handle DH better and has a lot of decks which I think can beat it but the fact it is able to force Wild some is just a bad indicator for Standard’s power level.

Well time to redesign a new Even Shaman for you DH players =p

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Releasing 135 cards and only one class seeing play. Pure blizzard. Only they could f this up so bad. To be fair, they’ve been doing it for 15 years across several games, so are experts at it.

I can understand people wanting to play the new class but at this points its purely playing DH to get the easiest legend you’ve ever had in your life.

Along with nerfing DH they need to reverse the ranks of those who have played DH to preserve the integrity of the ladder.


wp blizzard with the new class…i kind of miss the old deathstalker rexxar now

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You forgot to mention that it can attack.

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Dean Ayala just Tweeted that 4 nerfs to Demon Hunter will be applied tonight: Skull of Guldan, Imprisoned Antaen, Eye Beam and Aldrachai Warblades.

wait for the official announcement.

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Not even the worst cards.

Not exactly what he said, but close enough. I feel like even if every one of those cards are hit, DH is still going to be the deck to beat, but it should at least make it a bit less oppressive and open the door for other classes.

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About as difficult to play as Face Hunter…lol.