So when demon hunter going to be nerf

The ladder will balance out when players start losing after the nerf.

I’ve been playing this game since the beginning, and I have never seen a class so overpowered. Nice job for introducing a class that has practically killed the ladder climb on any class except Demon Hunter. Furthermore, are you really that certain that the cards you have selected to nerf will cause the deck to be more balanced. I’m not convinced.

give it 3 more patches à 3-4 cards each, i guess then it will be in a state it should be
they’re just gonna assess it over a weekly period

Well I was 1 win away from Plat, then all these Warlocks just throw me back again and again, plus Dh matches are 50 / 50, running a big demon built and the rush aggro feels staggering. Have not play after the nerfs… only the wep got touch and probably will lower the w/r. I did climb with Taunt Druid before DH came live.

My post clearly said (can attack).

It still be cancer in arena