So we're not allowed to talk about what we're allowed to say

Somehow it is okay to spend your entire existence on the forum to post rude messages such as :

  • Stop talking nonsense.
  • learn to read. your opinion doesn’t matter.
  • learn how to game works.
  • no one believes you.
  • what a ridiculous clown.
  • don’t play the game until you learn to read.
  • I don’t believe people can be so stupid.

(as demonstrated by regular users with hundreds of replies and still not restricted after months of this behavior)

But it is “inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting” to point it out. I guess the moderation staff have their favorite.


Yeah. Im on the verge on quitting hearthstone completely because of the elitism and toxicity.

Its atrocious how people speak to each other here, so blind of the fact they could be responding to literal children.

I am adopting the mentality that everyone i speak to here is a child from now on.

You should do the same.

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Weird. I read alot of posts in this forum and I don’t know who that is. There is one I find quite annoying but he doesn’t make these kind of posts.


You’re pointing out another/other user(s), which is a big no no, sure you’re not directly naming them, but you’re still singling them out and think you’re clever trying to side step the rules.

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Partially true. There are posters that can break the rules any number of times, and are never sanctioned.

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the thing is that almost every post of yours deserve these comments

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Couldn’t agree more lol.

Yup. No such thing as accountability. Recent actions from certain members of the staff are evidence enough of that. Wonder if this will get me in trouble?

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You overstimate the involvement of Blizzard here. The forum is mostly automoderated. Basically if you annoy people: they “downvote” you with reports and only then a Blizzard person steps in.

Had to make another one of these posts, huh?

He got exposed in the first one :rofl: He had to start anew lmao the hypocrisy…