So tired of Reno NEVER EVER make

another card like Reno or Brann EVERY AGAIN.

this card is OP. already lost some matchs because this card.

Just because you built a board doesnt mean anything dude.

You could have saved some threats till after the board wipe…

Did you get big board then hope they didnt have an answer?

Does it really matter what cleared your board?

You obviously were not ready with follow up, or gauging how much they had left to deal with stuff and maybe just play SOME but not all of your threats.

Reno’s an awesome card.

Very much needed in Wild where people make giant board left n right and rebuild them over and over…

Its a shame so many fell for the scam of dusting off cards used in the best format.

I mean almost every class has board clears whether it’s one card or a combination of them. It should be a given mindset not to over play the board in any match up. Even window shopper DH with a potential cheap Mag.

ROFLMAO Wild is NOT the best format