So tired of losing to the same few decks

Treant druid, plague DK/Blood DK, and dragon druid.

meta is so set in stone right now its insane, i remember having at-least a little leeway with deckbuilding a few years ago, but now if you cant clear 14/14 of stats every turn, heal full every turn, or kill your opponent by turn 3-4 its just over. Am i just unlucky or have others had the same issues?


Really, and 90% of excavate rogue don’t annoy you ?

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Welcome to Hearthstone - hundreds of cards available - two or three decks ever played at a time. :rofl::rofl: creativity is not a strong suit for this cough community cough

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It’s not the creativity part that is the problem, is the fact that even if you create the power creap of the meta will just destroy your creativity. Blizzard wants to sell decks and cards, so they design them in a way you cannot avoid playing them, else you will have a bad time…

Unless this pukes we call “supporters” stop believing they will win a lolipop every time they hit the money card in the game , the game won’t be better…As the washed up currently layed out Hunter said, “I heard from the meetings that hearthstone was doing GOOD” < ---- Good, not great, and he heard it from meetings so yea :))))

I could not have said it better myself. I include Barrel of sludge warlock

Breaking news. This has been Hearthstone since it’s inception. There’s always a handful of decks that just perform at a much higher level. Look at Magic the Gathering. Their sets are twice as big and suffer the same problem.

As long as a card game exists, there will be the optimizers to create the most competitive decks that everyone will then copy because winning is fun. It’s been like this since the dawn of time and will forever remain the same. All you can really do is wait for the next expansion to bring along the next handful of OP decks and hope they’re more to your liking.

I enjoy playing an interesting or zany deck over winning. I have Treant and Dragon Druid crafted, which both have very high win rates but instead I play a gimmicky sifless mage deck most of the time.

I don’t see how people enjoy winning so much using the same crap everyone else is using. You’re practically playing coin flip simulator at that point, hoping you mulligan better than your opponent.

Less satisfaction and pride doing that but I guess I get it. Makes it boring for everyone not playing purely to “win” though. Not like you get much for ranking up past legend.


Winning with someone else’s deck is boring.

I agree so hard with this. I always make my own decks and have never ranked up. I don’t care about that. Just want fun, challenging matches. It’s lame to just copy decks and win all the time.

exactly, you dont care about ranking up, so you have fun.

the way blizz designed the game is that rank gives rewards the higher you go. So those who want the rewards (me as an example) will prioritise winning over building decks for fun.

If they remove rank rewards (except for bragging rights), and give rewards for playing rather than winning or ranking up, I think I will have fun just crafting all sorts of decks as well.

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