So Paladin is getting nerfed ASAP right?

Virtually every deck out there has a 60%+ win rate, the only time Paladin loses is if they face another Paladin, which is driving the percentage down. If you couldn’t face your same class this would easily be in the mid to high seventies for win rate. This is by the most broken class in the last 10 years, due to the fact that you can run 10 different decks out there and dominate.

How did the devs screw this up so badly?


I believe they’re getting nerfed right after Druids.

And warlocks, DKs, rogues, warriors…lol wait a minute

Paladin avatar lol. Enjoy your free, no skill, wins for another few days.


Yeah I am not sure how painter’s virtue got released in its current iteration… These same effects have gotten nerfed in the past and i don’t see how this made it through testing.


Usually nerfs do not occur until a month later after the expansion goes live. The only hot fix will most likely be rogues with the water dancer bug. Right now top decks are indeed paladin and hunter due to hyper aggro build.

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There are a number of Pally decks with a 75% win rate, the class overall is hovering at 70%. It is completely broken and unwinnable against unless it doesn’t draw, and not drawing means it has to whiff on over 15 cards which is highly improbable, proven by the absurd win rate.

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Came here to make this post. Handbuff Paladins are ridiculously out of control right now. They need to be nerfed SEVERELY. Queueing into one is basically an auto-lose.


Painter’s virtue needs to be removed completely. It’s probably the most busted card I’ve ever seen in this game.

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Role players making the cards. All want to be Righteous Templar Pallys of Emo brooding Illidans. That being said I am getting real tired of playing against non-stop constant buff paladins. Righteous Aura was trash enough before this expansion adding more vomit.