So Naga Demon Hunter is fun and interactive

My favorite part is watching them draw 10 cards and do 30 damage in one turn.


No worries they will fix it in 2 months.


It is SUPERFUN to watch your enemy playing a naga that cost 3 and have 5 health and makes 2 damage and rob a card and and… Why not give her also life steal and divine shield? I think You can do better Blizzard!! Please fix it!

I am so glad I am just completely f2p as this is what this game and developers deserve to be all fired. Something that I hope happens sooner than later.


I just lost on turn 4 to this massively annoying deck. Losing in 4 turns isn’t in any way fun.

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What turn are they doing this on? Is it consistent? How many games does this happen out of how many games it doesn’t? What are other classes capable of? And etc…are all questions you need to ask before asking for change.