So, March of the Lich King, has no Lich King?

I hope the actual Lich King minion card will eventually be added to the March of the Lich King expansion. Frostmourne is there without its wielder. If Lich King is going to make a dramatic late appearance, there should be a Arthas version of him too. Maybe a Paladin Arthas, to get people playing Paladin more. Would be cool to if he were a side quest (or portrait) that you gather things to transform him into the Lich King. Or when you pull the Lich King minion, Arthas hero portrait turned into the Lich King. Maybe an Arthas hero card (as DK?) that if you do something equips you Frostmourne and summons the Lich King.


What do you mean? the dk portrait is literally the Lich King.
Also, arthas portrait is unlockable. And lich king is also a card.

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He is in the new expansion, he’s the Death Knight hero.

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It’s obvious I was talking about the Lich King legendary minion. It should be involved in an expansion named after him. I mean, all things Lich King should be included in a Lich King based expansion.

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They already released the Lich King card in another Lich King Expansion, this is the second Lich King expansion xD

They should have made a new one.

I agree. Especially when there are multiple sindragosa, onyxia, sylvanas, and ragnaros cards.

-Looks at Death Knight Hero portrait-

Yeah! Um, where could he be, huh?

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, I’ll just quote op where he made this really clear earlier:

I did see that, but his title is misleading


Only if you didn’t read the first sentence of his post. There are word limits for titles.

Still 100% misleading

I do see what you’re saying and concede to it, but the title is no less misleading since there is a Lich King in the expansion

Could aslo come in the mini-set.
Could even be Ner’zhul the OG Lich king before he fused with Arthas.

But is still chance not as they dont want legendaries of the base hero’s. (atleast theyve said so in past)

The legendary one already exists, but rotated. The forum won’t let me post links or photos, but it’s a 8 mana 8/8 taunt that give you cards.

I know of frozen throne lich king, but that was from before dk was a class.
And unlike illidan to xavius (which was still dumb regardless)
Inst in classic set (or would now be core set).

But not waning legendaries of the base hero’s is reaosn they gave for changing illidan to xavius