So many RAGE quitters

I find it hilarious how so many players rage quit. There can only be 1 winner, so you can’t expect to win every match. However, rather than accept the loss and concede, (when they know its over) they just close hearthstone.

More people rage quit than actually concede and it makes me laugh every time. (for my matches)


If youre here wasting everybody’s time posting about something nobody cares about… its obviously bugging you more than you let on


I wonder sometimes if a bad connection makes it look like i’m rage quitting, like hearthstone just shuts itself down randomly if i’m playing on mobile


So you gloted at your opponent’s frustration? That is a perfect reason why people had quit this game.


Dude, there is so much broken stupid win con in this game right now that sometimes the best thing to do is just walk away and do something else.

It’s not rage quit so much as throw up your hands, shrug, and do something more fun.


First, you don’t have to read what I write. That is a choice you are free to make.

Secondly, you obviously didn’t read the post and just decided to assume that its about something that bothers me. You might want to read it again, and then ask yourself, “did what I write makes sense?”

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Obviously makes sense… plenty of likes on the posts of this thread, and none are on yours… coincidence? I think not


Oh boy, that must be so upsetting for me. What ever will I do.

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Poor baby girl… itll be ok… daddy still loves you


sorry to hear you are winning too much.

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I never knew closing hearthstone was considered rage quitting. I always just close the game on both phone and PC if I’m losing my last game.

Game is trash, and as soon as some one has their win condition out, you might as well just quit.

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More fun like a colonoscopy or more fun like doing my taxes?

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I was pretty high when they did this, so yes, that was fun.

I actually don’t mind tallying the final score for my earnings each year. The tax game is more fun and rewarding than playing hearthstone, too.

But I agree in principle that just about anything is more fun than some of the things that are winning games right now.

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Thank you for this lol

This is what I’m doing right now. Throwing up my hands and giving this game up for today. I play DK, the matches take 30 minutes and I lose. I play my Mage, the matches last 5 minutes, and I lose. Your matchmaking algorithm sucks. This was over the course of 3 hours today I won one time and it was dumb luck because both of us DK’s were out of cards and THEY hit the ‘concede button’. This game can go where the sun doesn’t shine right now, tired of losing.

OK, English is not my native language. That’s why I may have misunderstood something here. But could it be that the general consensus here is that Rage Quit is advocated? I mean, it would be like when you’re in a club and you’re losing, and you throw your cards on the floor in anger and leave the room. You can’t be serious that you think this is appropriate behavior? I mean, if you notice that things are going to bad and you don’t feel like it anymore, then you can give up - that’s all well and good, but simply breaking off the connection is absolutely dishonorable. Is it really so difficult to accept that you were simply inferior to your opponent or that they were just a little bit luckier today?


Dude, what’s wrong with you? You have to be able to swallow when you lose. How old are you 12?


mimimi momomo mamama :stuck_out_tongue:

The question that I have is… Why have you gone back in my Thread history to reply to a post that I wrote almost 2 years ago?