So many players have a defeatist attitude

This message is to all you players who give up way to early.

Over the last couple of days, I’ve ran into so many players that have conceded because they assume they were going to lose, but the thing is, my hand was terrible and I was trying to figure out how I was going to win.

Each time someone conceded when my hand was pretty bad, I would attempt to add them to just let them know that had they kept going, I was pretty sure I was going to lose and to not give up so easily, but they never accept the request.

I understand the frustrations of playing against certain decks, because just like you, I face them as well, however, I don’t automatically give up unless I know 100% that my deck is out of gas to overcome what’s in front of me.

For example, I see so many posts about players who play a highlander deck that automatically concede when they run into a plague death knight. Sure, you won’t be able to get the highlander bonus on your cards, but you can still win.

Then there are other posts where players say they concede automatically as soon as your opponent pulls out Reno. I only lose about 25% of the matches where my opponent plays reno, there’s still a possibility.

Maybe this is going to fall on deaf ears, however, I just wish that more players would put aside the losing mentality where they assume they are going to lose, because they assume their opponent has a good. If ride the match out, you might be surprised at the outcome.

There have been so many times where I’ve said “oh didn’t think I was going to win that one”

Just don’t give up so easily.


I’ve got this defeatist attitude cause of the amount of BS the game throws at me on a frequent basis and I can predict it’ll be a lose or waste of time, and I doubt there is anything that can be done to stop it.

  • If I see mech rogue and have no board clears by T3-4, concede, can’t counter the magnetic spam to safe spot to stabilize.
  • If I see Helya against DK by T4, concede, since I know my deck will be 50% plagues by T7-8 and there is no effective counter.
  • If I see DH get weapon by T3-4, concede, since I know they will have a cheap demon and heavy pressure.
  • I see Stealth buff Zill and no none targeting board clear within 2-3 turns, concede, since it’ll be out of hand and can’t be countered safely.
  • I see Shaman start so spam spells, concede, save us both time since i’m already dead.
  • I see dragon druid pop off the egg, concede, unless I have reno or twisting thats too much pressure.
  • I see a warlock, concede immediately (Getting into that mind set with DK and Shaman as well now), would be faster for both of us since T4 14-14 are fun to fight against or the you have 4 turns to kill me variant.
  • I see reno after I try to go for a push, concede, You played better with one card and I doubt I can do much else (Varies based on the match and hand, i’ve stayed and some).
  • Headless draws head in 2-3 turns, concede, Game told me to F off and gave my opponent an early infinite value tool.
  • I see aggro, concede, if I wanted an aggro match i’ll play Shadowverse.
  • I see a hunter ‘Saddle up’ a board, concede, I love using 2 board clears on token hunter.

Giving up has the benefit of lowers my MMR as well and lets me do my daily so against a bot so I can bugger off to something fun like Limbus, FF14 or Helldivers 2 since this game has too many you lose cards now.

My time is worth more to me then trying to win a match that I have less than 50% chance to win. Time is money if you will, and certain decks are just STUPID and not worth the fristration of playing once they get to a certain point.

Gonna be honest i always used to fight to the end and i developed this defeatists mentality, but have finaly shaken it off for good after talking a to high legend player and he helped get rid of this negative mindset once and for all i when we talked i got reminded of what the right mindset of a good player is.
Some of things i already knew but hearing them again from someone else is good also he pointed out some misplays i made which really helped my game :slight_smile:

All i can control is how i play the game and how my strategy as a player evolves with each win or loss.

And lastly i try and play with honour and respect again like i used to.


I think it’s difficult to differentiate or discern between experienced players who know their deck and know their matchup and aren’t in the habit or business of wasting time needlessly, and so they move on, and then there are the people you talk about who do concede and are defeatist because they don’t know any better. It depends. I know not everyone also cares about win or loss but about achieving their goal or dream, johnny or timmy or whatever the name is for the Dreamers and Fun as the objective, not winning

No, I am just tired of going up against warriors. So I auto concede. Its such a boring thing to play against. Even if I have a chance of winning I just don’t care. Done with that match up.

Why should anyone assign such significance to defeat in a video game?
If I no longer wish to play against you, perhaps due to the lack of enjoyment your deck provides to me, I’ll concede and move on.

The purpose of the game is to have fun, and if it’s not enjoyable, feel free to concede at will. There’s nothing to gain from playing it out, as caring about ranks in a video game is nonsensical for an adult.

It’s absurd to label someone with such a personal word for conceding in a video game.