So Kazakusan is a problem

But facehunter being tier 1 since like 2014 is totally fine.

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tier 1 ? thats must be what people call "alternative facts "

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Don’t tell that to the guy who posted:

Because that sure looks like “face hunter” on the right.

I don’t know if we believe the post here, or our lying eyes!

If you look at current stats Face Hunter only shows up as a T1 deck in Silver rank.
Every other rank it’s T2.

That’s a goalpost shift, and a very weak one.

The argument (knowingly dishonest at the time by the person making it) was that facehunter being a tier 1 deck was “alternative facts.”

Now you want to claim “well, it’s only a tier 1 deck in certain categories.”

Which would make it…a tier 1 deck.

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Yes, it is T1 in Silver.
Congratulations you’ve started your journey of proving you can read.
Exercise this skill and re-read my comment.
(Wait, I’ll do it for you)
It has nothing to do with what you’re talking about.

And there we go. Thanks for proving my point yet again, but the anger and trolling isn’t needed, but I’m sure you’ll double down on that with some excuses and more of the same.

Oh, that “diamond to legend” in the picture is really “silver.” Again, the goalpost shifting is intense, and knowingly dishonest. The fact you are trying to cover for it makes you equally dishonest. Which you are trying to cover for with personal attacks and trolling.

If it were never, or not currently in any way a tier 1 deck, you would have a point. But you don’t. So you resort to deflection by way of personal attacks.

Proving your point? You’re reaching really hard. Take a seat and think about what I’m writing to you.
I made a comment in response to the OP stating a fact that Face Hunter is only T1 in Silver. It’s T1 alright, but compared to the rest of the game it’s not.

You mean that picture that Boreas posted that had nothing to do with me, my views, nor my point? I don’t know what world you’re living in but I’m not a part of it. Keep it that way.

I don’t know about your “world” but most of us don’t post standing up.

Yes. You keep saying:

But trying to qualify it like there’s no tomorrow. It’s like someone saying “the sky is blue.”


You may want to be pedantic about it, but yes, the sky is blue. Just like we get the op’s point. Face hunter is a tier 1 deck, as of a week ago, it literally had a 59% winrate in standard going diamond to legend. Full stop.

Ah, we’ve reached the handwaving stage of the discussion, where you don’t apparently live in reality. Cool. Your points are contradicted by actual facts. Have a nice day.

Lmao this was interesting.
You started off crying about “goal post shifting” then proceed to back up your comments with the same shenanigans.
You’re trying to gratify something with nothing and it couldn’t be anymore pathetic. I used to believe you were intelligent, used to. See you around.

If you projected any harder, we’ll get a free video card upgrade to play hearthstone with.

Ah, in your world that what you must call “facts” what we call them on planet Earth.

But thanks for proving my other point:

Don’t let the door hit you where the Holy Light split you.

Aggro/face decks that are minion based (like aggro hunter), in my opinion are the most pure instance of a hearthstone deck. I think that the meta would be better if this kind of decks were actually the core of the game, which is not the case right now, in this meta people is playing aggro hunter as a response to what is actually the best (combo decks) or the most popular (Druid Kazakusan) or just because it is easy to domain and cheap to craft.

Even if it is at the top of some lists, it isnt the best deck. It has some really hard counters (like control warrior or priest) and can be stoped by midrange decks. Because of that, it is actually good for something like it to be popular right now, the less combo decks we have, then the more control and midrange that can be played.

That’s true, face hunter has always been tier 1 because it can kill you by turn 5 and there’s nothing you can do about it (you may delay the inevitable by a turn or two, but the result will be the same). Of course, this doesn’t always work, draw and mulligan and 1st vs second always play a part in winrates. But I agree, anyone pretending facehunter isn’t tier 1 since the beginning, is kidding themselves or performing some high level mental gymnastics.

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is really easy to find several metas by checking VS reports with no face hunter decks on the tier 1 list

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I said this a week ago

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this guy sounds a lot like frozen, doesn’t he? I wonder if that is one of his 30 accounts

that doesn’t sound to be true, altough if you’re talking about face hunter being highly competitive since then, is a whole other discussion.

I don’t think there is any overpowered card in face hunter and the deck doesn’t seem problematic either.

What would you nerf in face hunter and why?

Some people even linked them. And they were most definitely there when this discussion was going on. But the original goalpost was:

Good thing there was someone who literally posted a helpful link debunking their own “alternative facts.”

Whether it’s “always” been a tier 1 deck is another argument. The point op was making is that it’s been a tier 1 deck since the beginning of the game (maybe not every single day of every single week, but it was within the last week the stats were posted diamond to legend when the thread was opened).

Then the usual crowd pops in and starts going on about alt accounts and their usual bit about trolling rather than facts.

I think it’s less about any one card, and more about decks like this and the druid that spams the board then buffs them in roughly the same time period get little to no attention when the decision to nerf other cards seems random.

Nerfing face hunter would be a little more involved than the druid deck, which might be why they haven’t taken a look at it.

fast aggro decks dont get nerfed because they are used to ensure the forced 50% meme.

VS reports is all you need

just give it a try youll find several metas without face hunter as one of the listed tier 1 decks

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