So it's not okay for Priests but it's okay for Druids?

If you’re going to nerf a deck for otk on turn 5 for one class… than you should not have a double standard and let another class do it.


What were you expecting when you decided to play Wild

Even wild has boundaries and Tony druid should be nerfed/eliminated

The deck is fine. It’s the rope burn exploit that’s the problem. Notice how every Druid who runs this deck starts the turn with the rope halfway across the board? Every. Druid. Does. This.

They do this to start the exploit and yet, players will swear that it’s “client side lag” or some other nonsense. A mega-BILLION dollar company can’t correctly create a client to run one of their games?

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Sure, I’ll believe that when my crap turns into chocolate pudding and I end world hunger with it.

It’s an exploit. Plain and simple.

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That’s this company’s stock in trade. Of course they’ll let one deck have a super powered version of something that they just nerfed for a pervious class.

People have been complaining about the animations before shudderwock showed just how broken it really was.

Have they bothered fixing it?

Too busy finding ways to bilk the players for money and chasing them out the door.

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Remember when they nerfed the aviana+kun combo into the ground because Star Aligner OTKs were coming down too fast?


They should print one 3 mana card that destroy zero mana spells in both hands and decks. , also they should adjust Skulking Geist to cost 4 mana, anyway most games are finished between the turns 5- 9 .

Honestly, making a neutral version of flik skyshiv that wasn’t legendary, and part of core permanently would solve a lot of problems. Would keep power creep from getting out of hand.

Adding something that let it nuke spells also and there you go.

That is something you find incredulous? Blizzard is notoriously bad at designing clients for their games (among other things), and client-side lag in hearthstone is a very well-known and documented feature that’s been present since beta.

It’s become noticeably worse since the COD disconnect exploit became live, and they have become a little too desperate to pretend there are NO complaints about disconnects over here since then.

To the point where tech support will lie and pretend that actiblizz isn’t a single company.

is this the nozdormu like turn skip bug ?

losing to aggro by turn 5 been a thing in this game for 9 years

That would require them to admit and fix the problems, instead of doubling down on them.

Is that even still happening? There was a lawsuit by other scummy mega corps to stop it, and microsoft’s big “announcements” since the buyout weren’t about QA, but about DEI pushes. And of course the conveniently timed quashing of the workplace harassment suits for less than half of what weinstien paid for the same offenses.

Admitting to a near decade of incompetence by your corporate overlords isn’t the own you think it is.

Yes Microsoft bought them October 13. 2023. They’re laying off 1,900 employees at Activision Blizzard and Xbox.