I don’t have specific deck list. I just know what cards have been released, and face one like once in a blue moon.
Many of them run frozen touch and aegwynn. Many elementals will inevitably die while you fight for board so you might as well infuse, while aegwynn can be a sudden death if it hits overflow surger.
Other synergies include the 4/4 that helps them draw
The 7/4 that pew pews 7 damage if you played elemental last turn
Therazane in theory fits in the deck, but it’s too slow against most aggro, while control have ways to disrupt it and/or have better win cons.
It remains to be seen if they’ll release more elemental support. And even then, the support may not necessarily lend to a fast curve out deck. They could release something like arcane artificer 2.0.
100% agree. It’s a viable deck (or was, not sure if it still is) but it doesn’t fit the mage theme.
I see you have recognized the standard actiblizz pattern.
How odd that wanting to enjoy a certain class is thought of as irrational. I mean, people main and only play certain classes in wow (you know, the game this is based on) and no one is tossing out insults over it.
In fact, over here, playing a single class is one of the ways to affordably play the game.
Here is a more intricate version than the regular Therazane one, maybe you’ll like it.
It’s a Standard deck though so I don’t know if that’s what you want.
I played a hrthpwn version with therezane. I don’t think I played it very well. But here is what happened. https://hsreplay.net/replay/egoG2F37s6VV6o9xcKDbr5
Mage is currently the best class on top legend. I looked a the top of Diamond a bit earlier and they seem to be also there now. That last group is not definitely mediocre players because players with very limited time may only play at the end of months.
Is that HSR?
Not playing Standard for years, I only saw what Vicious Syndicate had to say:
" It’s quite incredible how bad Rainbow Mage is these days. We’re hoping the class gets a nice set in Whizbang’s Workshop. It desperately needs a power injection."
Played your deck. Again; don’t think I played it very well:)
Been a minute since I was in Standard.
here is the replay:) https://hsreplay.net/replay/hiSTNXpciL9ehXxpowynWN
Not at all, but I haven’t played in standard for probably four years or more.
According to VS, the class is pretty weak, as I posted above.
I will re-post it for you.
" It’s quite incredible how bad Rainbow Mage is these days. We’re hoping the class gets a nice set in Whizbang’s Workshop. It desperately needs a power injection."
So I wondered what others thought of what they have seen so far.
I did see some things I like that will translate to decks I play, I believe.
And I am trying the decks suggested to me here from Standard players.
Currently it looks like just Casino Mage. It was Sif for the longest time till their response to the card instead of nerfing it was let other classes get absurd amounts of armor and disruption. I would just go with that if you are looking for the best. IF you are just climbing you should be able to play whatever you want to get Legend.
They’ve revealed one (seemingly pretty good) mage card, and some neutral cards that have applications in mage.
Elemental mage is definitely going to be better with the core set changes and some of the new cards.
Rainbow Mage is taking a hit from rotation, but we need to see the new set to know what it’ll look like.
I think the meta might slow down a fair bit. It’s hard to say, but the slower the meta gets, and the less board flood there is, the better Lightshow Mage gets.
That’s… my take on the new stuff so far, but no one knows until we see the actual set. Which we won’t see for… 10 days.
Great game!
I got the deck from hearthpwn and after seeing your replay it seems quite fun, I think I will try it also.
Let me know how it felt playing. Was it at least better than regular Elemental Mage
It was fun:) I haven’t played combo, (which is what it feels like to me) very much,
being a tempo player primarily, but I think I could grow to enjoy it, if I can just learn the nuances.
I certainly did not mean to use it as a strawman. I was referencing an expert.
What you call Rommath mage, HSR appears to call mining mage.
I don’t have premium HSR, but the daily numbers have mage at #7 overall.
If you have additional information, I would love to share it:) https://hsreplay.net/