So, is mage gonna' be better this expansion?

So I read the remarks about Casino mage.
I know we haven’t seen all of the cards, but I thought I would ask the players who know the most what they think they see for mage in the coming expansion?
Is mage going to be stronger?
Are all decks going to be heavy rng?
I did like the one neutral card I saw that steals stats. In the decks I run, it could be useful for removing big minions.
Idk. What do the better players think?


See, now I don’t feel included, so I won’t comment xD

But, what do we think about mechs? they seem to be forcing mechs on us again (check the quests for 10 year anniversary)

Yes, I think it’s kinda obvious that they’re pushing mech mage again (last patch buffs and now this quest)


That’s unfortunate. I am not much of a mech mage fan.
Still; if it plays on curve, then I could probably find a way to play it.

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Well there’s an argument about whether casino mage is overhyped or not; but mage is definitely not bottom of the barrel anymore, since half of the top players are spamming this deck now.

We really don’t know what’s in store for mage next expansion tho. We have only seen the core set and 1 legendary. But Rainbow package will stay around so I wager we will surely see some more discover effects in the new set.


Are you a fan of the Khadgar card? I don’t think it looks all that good, tbh. More slot machine rolls imo.

Personally, I can’t wait to try the Khadgar card, but what happens afterwards, that depends on what happens when I do

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Meh, not a fan of the design but I think it’s going to be broken. I can see that card being in most if not all mage decks going forward.

It depends on how smart the card is on its choices tho. It’s hard to say

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Again; unfortunate for me, as I am not a fan of the RNG dictated playstyle.
I don’t think it’s too unreasonable to wish that just once this team 5 would give mage something that is fast and plays on curve…
Well, maybe the mech mage will play this way…

That’s a paradoxical thing to say. The less rng you have in the game, the more you depend on your draws - in other words, the more you depend on rng.

The more rng you have, the more consistent you will be.

But this, I can definitely empathize with.

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Mage will have 2 solid weeks on top, the whining masses will go into full meltdown because “Mage BAD” and Blizzard will cave and nerf the class as per tradition.

They will have made the expansion big bucks by then and i will be done with my Legend run anyway.

All im asking is a good 2 weeks to celebrate the anniversary.

On a side note i hope Demon Hunter is unplayable.

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All I am gonna add is this, after what I’ve read, if the second Legendary for Mage is Mech Mage support it will be very disappointing and will be my breaking point regarding the Class.

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That’s not entirely true, since you can also just amp up the amount of draw in the deck to increase consistency and reduce RNG. That is also why I am very in favor of increasing amounts of draw in the game.

Lots of people tend to hate on RNG, powercreep, etc and then tell you that the game has too much draw and that it was better before. That is the really paradoxical position to be in. I don’t want my games be entirely dependent on top decking thank you. Discover can also help with this ofc but it also introduces a new layer of RNG that may indeed feel more frustrating than draw rng.

I’m one of the people claiming that to be true xD In a topic where people complain about combo decks, I explained that it’s because

a) no other decks have a chance in a heavy control meta
b) because we have too much card draw to draw all the combo parts before turn 10.

But I can see your point, too, that card draw reduces the rng of card draw. True. Yin and Yang. You can’t have good without the bad and vice-versa.

Same goes for RNG.

Same, yin and yang. Can’t have good without the bad.

And that’s why more rng is usually better for the balance of the game. I don’t know why you guys don’t like that exactly, but for most people it’s fun, and mathematically it’s healthier for the game.

Maybe psychologically it is not, but hey, can’t please everyone.

And anyway, this is just current meta, and it should change. Yes, rng will always be a part of the game, but maybe in future expansions another mechanic gets introduced to reduce its’ impact to satisfy players like you guys.

Hopefully that’s why rotations exist, to bring novelty and difference.

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I am a fan of this. Draw RNG is far more predictable. I know what is in my deck and can play accordingly. Much closer to poker. You can make an educated guess as to what you will receive. But rng from the card text? Discover and the like? It’s a crap shoot.

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I predict that no matter what state mage will be in, someone will find a way to play the victim.


And we all know someone, don’t we?

The thing that blows my mind is that there are numerous decks that meet the criteria they’re always saying they want, but because they’re so hung up on the portrait they deny themselves the enjoyment of the game.

It’s completely self inflicted and irrational.


I was gonna say, isn’t there two T1 mage decks in legend?


They aren’t the “right” decks, though.

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5-1 with McBanterFace’s version of Casino Mage

Last win against shaman, he had a full board of elementals but I drew into sif + reverb into 44 dmg

I feel complete. The deck has got everything.


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Closest you have is elemental mage, where the recent cards have the “if you played elemental last turn” mechanic.

But I don’t see many mages - or anyone else - talk about that deck.

Methinks it’s because “fast and on curve” just doesn’t fit the mage image or class identity.

If you think mage you think some robed wizard hanging in the back charging up spells. Fancy spells may even need complicated rituals and chanting. As in, the very opposite of fast and on curve.