So I'm back to Legend 4

I thought I discovered a new deck that is OP and will make me steamroll to Legend 1. But right after I hit Legend 4 some random OP death knight with tons of leggos destroyed me; classic; p2w wins again. /s

I love how you losing makes the whole game pay to win.


Better wear shoes then


I mean you chose not to pay for better cards and you also chose not to stay gone for atleast 3 months in order to get the returning player bonus which allows you to get a free meta relevant deck…funny enough theres 6 you can choose from and 3 of which happen to be Control Warrior, Plague Death Knight and Sludge Warlock which all are tier 1 decks.

So pick your poison; Leave for 3 months, pay to get a meta deck and stomp on ladder or play with what you have now and try to make a miracle happen.

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I didnt accuse you of whining, I just pointed out your options.

Even after paying you’re not guaranteed to stomp on ladder

D5-Legend can be pretty rough, I just dropped from D3-D5 the other day myself

How is this thread not whining. There is no factual argument here just I lost this means I fo to forums and ease my frustration by simply cry on how everything is unjust and the more legendaries you have in your deck the better winrate you have. Which is obviously bs.


lol spotted the whale

:whale: :whale2:
:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

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Again, this doesn’t make it P2W; neither does your frustration in the moment.

If you thought this is a free entertainment then you are wrong. This is a very expensive game. If you don’t want to pay - stop bitc***g and go somewhere else.

P.S. If you refuse to support Bli$$ard, why the hell are you even here?

P.P.S. Stop crying like a little sissy girl

The game is rigged to make you have a winning streak, that is followed by a losing streak. So you have to play longer. Everyone knows that except for shills.

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What in the life isn’t rigged like that? xD
Literally everything goes in up-down cycles


People on that rank have complete decks if that is what you mean.

Also the way you talk about deckbuilding gives up that you not understand much about what you’re doing.

In the end you’re just ranting on forums because you lost some matches and got tilted.


EMOTIONAL DAAAMAGE :scream::scream:


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You will soon be very glad there is a rank floor lol. You will experience going from D2 back to D5, bank on it.

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Legend?! I can’t even reach D5 now because of the stupid unlimited control… damn this game is dead man…

What deck could a DK make that is competitive and has a bunch of Legendary cards? I can’t even think of one currently.

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My pov, you’re self-centered, every game you lose you open a topic, I have a laugh, it’s free :vulcan_salute::nerd_face:



It isn’t like F2P players aren’t all over legend ranks right now and every other month.

Here’s the thing, though: I could give somebody off the street that person’s deck for free and they wouldn’t beat you with it. Paying doesn’t make you win.

The most played plague deck on HSReplay has six of them, none of which are core cards, so I’m assuming that’s what they’re referring to.

Let’s be fair.

He probably played against plague DK and did think 2 lengendaries is “a lot”.