So I'm back to Legend 4

I mean that’ sone of the Plague DK’s but most just run 4 legendary cards. Maybe they count Astalor as three? To be honest Plague isn’t even the better deck Rainbow is by a pretty big margin. Ahh well i guess when they see one legendary they just assume they are all legendary.

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Join the club. Its rare for me to get passed diamond 2 but I also don’t play a ton.

I am unsure how the bullies thing is relevant when all I did was tell you the truth.

Piles of legendary cards don’t win games without knowing how to use them.

Your account wouldn’t have been here for a week by those standards, just fyi.


It would be funny if it was this guy. He just made a post about this deck

it is a miracle that you were able to rise to diamond 4.

You are the one being the bully here. Stop using the word neonazi in ANY context. It is never an acceptable thing to call anyone or anything.

Nronazi? Lol sounds like some Russian propaganda xD

I’m sorta stuck in BGs atm. Climbed to about 4800. I know that’s lame-sauce for most here.

I can get top 4 almost every time but now 1st and even 2nd place have minions I can’t even touch. I am talking a single minion with a greater health/attack pool then my entire board…

Such is life for surfer

Except when you use the term correctly and apply to people who self-identify as such through affirmative statements, accoutrement, or insignia.

But in general, you are correct that this term should not be bandied about willie nillie.


I should have added the context of “on these forums” for clarity, but I still stand by the rest of what I said. Even if they self-identity, you don’t call people that here. Maybe you flag and walk away.

Put in a couple games and this deck is interesting but has a huge weakness. Nearly a third of the deck is unplayable on the mulligan. Aggro and decks like Sludge are very good against it. I can see them having the record they report if they are playing against Warriors the whole time. In that case his deck is fine but really its Crusher that is carrying them in those games and not the rest of the deck. I would redesign it a with a few less top ends and swap some 3’s out for some more 1 drops.

The more streamlined version with less top game is just better all around. Unless the meta starts requiring Reno again in decks.

I think the guy was just goofing around.

I had just read his thread and then saw this one. It made me laugh thinking these two played against each other.

On the one hand you’ve got this guy that throws together a non optimized deck stacked with legendary cards just for fun and he’s having a hoot and then on this thread you’ve got the net deck guy and he’s all salty with a pay to win legendary bs attitude.

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I actually spent some time iterating on his deck and it plays pretty smoothly. I went 22-7 with it in legend and i liked it. It has some advantages by having reno in the back pocket if you need it. I miss not having double Quartzite but i just have to be more judicious with the weapon and hold it for exactly when it needs to be dropped now.

If he is going to keep playing that version though i would suggest he play Finley in the deck for sure.

I never spent a dime on game and can make a few decks every season. Have to be willing to dust the first deck sometimes. But if you stay away that long then yay you have to pay.

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Seven months ago, here is Carnivore calling people names when they give him information he doesn’t like.

What horrible insult prompted this tirade?

The horror.