So if you win some and lose some and the goal is to rank,

why even play if you’re in the losing mood? I’ve noticed a large part of the Hearthstone population come here and complain about massive loss streaks; but wait for a moment and think about it: why should you even play after even one or two losses? Wouldn’t it be better sometimes to say: “the best move is …to not play”?

People get tilted and do that a lot: they become psychologically scarred temporarily after some losses and become even MORE prone to losing (hence it didn’t even make sense to play); fix first the tilting and then play; besides: there are other formats in the game if you want to burn time (they don’t waste your ranking).

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People want to rise in rank regardless of losing or breaking even against bad opponents. It’s the nature of all multiplayer ranked games. People complain about this in League, Dota, Rocket League, CoD, WoW, etc.

I am never upset because I lost a match… because losing is part of the game… I am upset when I lose a match and didn’t have a chance to win at all…


It is a card game though. Some games just by luck you can’t win. But with having good thinking skills and learning… you can tip the scales overall and win more than you lose.

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The problem is that this attitude is why a lot of people are here in the first place. They should be playing the game of real life, trying to ensure financial security for themselves and for their loved ones, paying loving attention to their families, etc. But that game can be really hard and even unfair at times, maybe full of overwhelming disappointment, so why do real life if you’re in a losing mood? They come to Hearthstone out of escapism.

So, of course, if you’re not enjoying the game that is just a game, then it does make rational sense to put the game down. But that reason is in conflict with the feeling of frustration that comes from needing to find yet another level of escapism. It’s kinda like a dream within a dream in that Inception movie, except we’re talking about an escape from one’s escape. If we place no restraint on that process, if we allow an escape within an escape within an escape, ad absurdum, where does that end? In something like limbo, with a brain turned to mush? If one were so stricken, how would one even know?

Maybe, at some point, it behooves one to have the courage to face challenges, even when they’re intimidating. Perhaps not all at once, but at least sticking one’s toe in the pool, literally playing with the notion of not just running away.

If I have one BS loss I tell myself I’ll play until I lose and that strategy usually helps me not hate the game as much as I used to. Don’t get me wrong, RNG is still by far the worst thing about this game and one of the reasons I still play other card games because sometimes I want to play cards without my opponent getting a 1/10000000 chance of a game-winning highroll but logging off after my two losses helps me climb better overall.

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Feeling poetic today, aren’t we?

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That’s way too much conservatism again. Hearthstone isn’t just for escapism; you can get some genuine benefits beyond escapism; it can sharpen the mind on quick decision making for example that has a direct show of impact or at least a relatively robust show of impact at the end of the month (because there’s a lot of randomness on an individual game and maybe even MMR shenanigans we don’t know the Devs might be doing).

If they get tilted and have a bad relation with the game beyond that it’s a separate problem they have.

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In the very first sentence of my post I say I’m talking about a lot of Hearthstone players. That implies that I am not talking about all of them.

You have a sick compulsion to strawman almost everything you read. Please stop already.

It’s still wrong. Those “a lot”(limited) players don’t have to have “family values” necessarily.

Having an unhealthy relationship with a video game does not necessarily lead to that.

You can’t be happy and lonely. I am not trying to lecture anyone on what kind of family they should have, whether that’s blood relation, a group of friends at the bar, or some kind of polyamorous collective. Normal family, weird family, I’m not here to judge. But no family? You’re coping if you think that’s going to work.

wow, its like you are talking to a room full of gambling addicts, and asking them, after you lost all your money, why not just walk away? lol. BECAUSE YOU DOUBLE DOWN. ALWAYS.

but for real, just cause you lost X games doesn’t mean anything. you could of had really bad draws/hands/lowrolls. if you made no misplays, you are fine, but you need a very solid grasp of understanding this so you don’t tilt.

the real mistake is when players queue repeatedly without retrospecting games to examine if they misplayed or not to guage their own frame of mind.

if i’m serious about ranking, I don’t queue until a retro the previous game and examine at least the top 3 “moments” of the game that were make-or-break, and if I made the right call in each.

these games, I don’t give a horses buttocks about ranking or doing well, so I just misplay awawy while half paying attention to the game, since you know, its a game.

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It’s literally an algorithm:

Did I win or lose?
if win: Was I lucky? Try to be objective:
if Yes: ignore game
else: Why did I win? Did I counter that deck? Was it the draw rng?
Am I just too good for this opponent? …

else: Why did I lose? Was it luck?
if Luck: try to do better next time on moves x and y, because those are kinda sus
else: Definitely change something next time you get that matchup and see if it goes better.

EDIT: the indentations dont work :frowning:

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They may not be lonely, but alone. It’s you who projects lonely on their alone in a blanket way across their entire population sector.

Yes statistically. But I was talking more about tilting and having bad performance literally aside from luck. In that case their performance on the Ranks of the ladder would improve by just not playing; fix the tilting first; some may argue “I will still play and fix the tilting that way” but it might be better for the ranking to un-tilt outside the game or at least on another format you don’t rank.

100% pure pathetic cope

More like projecting a misconception about alone people. It’s also kinda socially racist, because it’s not like people who are alone definitely chose their life being alone (in fact it’s probably always that way (choice is an illusion in the grand scheme of things of the wider determinism(and indeterminism) of the universe)).

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You are a living meme.

Yeah I imagine most people who are poor didn’t choose to be poor either. But acting like it’s okay to be poor is cope. Being poor sucks. Being alone sucks. Acting like it doesn’t suck is ridiculously out of touch.

That’s the thing you woke types just don’t get. You can’t truly be for the sick if you are pro-sickness. The masses don’t want to be told they’re fine as they are, because they’re not feeling fine; they want to be lifted out of their sufferings. You think you’re so darn sympathetic, but you’re the enemy of the people.

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Nice alt-right buzzwords by the way; it’s not the right forum to say the whole truth about it; I’ll only say that political rabbit hole is not as humanist as you think (it’s the opposite).

On topic: you made the blanket statement that people should follow your “family-values” based lifestyle if they’re alone, and you don’t get they may not have a choice.

How? It’s not even right, much less alt right. I’m just saying that words don’t fix pain. Label it joy and it still hurts.

This is false, and feels deliberate.