So, I have made some observations

Firstly, DK is probably the easiest class to defeat… As of right now anyway… There was one DK that got so big, nothing I did helped… Secondly, why is it that when I use suspicious alchemist, and literally play the card immediately after, does my opponent still NOT choose the right card? 3rd, Rainbow Mage is far too reliant on the perfect draw, and conditions, for the win condition… It is too hard to play where I am… As well, most of my opponents are using renethal… I am at platinum 3… Last, I am actually playing the same people over and over… I have recognized the same names now several times… looks like they can’t go past 3 either… lol anyway, these are my recent observations…

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You can’t clearly talk about “Classes” in this game because there are also the monstrosities called “Highlander” decks; they are approximately with no class synergy; they mainly rely on overpowered cards that work on their own.

Their main purpose is to make streamers pay for them to keep their mediocre play at the top of the charts so they continue streaming and in turn their stans to buy the same overpowered no-synergy cards.

The game would be better with an “indirect ban” on any decks with no good synergy between their cards.

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Maybe they didn’t want a copy of the card you chose

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I suppose, but they are always very useful cards… still a free card to me is always a bonus…

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I’m sorry, but maybe you meant to say something else? This here implies “other than the classes”.

Also, HL has been around since the very first Reno. It’s a fun change of pace to building a deck. I loved playing some HL Mage and Hunter during Descent of Dragons. Just because they are at the top of the list for best decks, doesn’t the FORMAT is broken.

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I too have enjoyed HL decks… A fun change of pace from everything else… I do not however own this new Reno, and not sure I want the Reno, except, it also kills locations… I also enjoy fatigue decks… Well, I HAVE enjoyed those…