So i had a druid gain 420k armor

Yeah…balanced…looking at you devs do your job

You can use Platebreaker if this is so common that it is a problem.

Common · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Battlecry: Destroy your opponent

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Yeah i did to destroy there first 1800 armor but when druids duplicate there hand for a 3/4 and play earthen scales on a loop you kinda cant so dont patronize me for how broken a f○□•ing druid is. But of course you got fan boys saying its fine

then maybe use your IQ next time and learn from your mistakes. Next time do not destroy all armor until he used all cards.

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Says the druid with zero mana armor gain and infinate idols cause you keep one in hand guff is so broken you fart and are at 8 mana why does guff neeed to be 5 and other classes with 8 mana 7 mana heros huh…

I do agree Guff is kinda busted and enables toxic plays and should probably be a 6 mana card at minimum. But those crazy number armor druids are pretty rare in my experience.

Well you could, but if you put a card in your deck that wrecks a known strategy to win… You will never be put up against that deck again and you will have a useless card.
For example, you are put up against a roge with majick weapon that keeps damage. The AI give ytou this 20 times out of 25 games. Put weapon stealer and weapon smasher in deck and you wont see the majick roge weapon again. Now you have two useless cards.
Get put up against druid emerald golem thing 30 times in a row? Get mad and put a geist in your deck. Guess what. You wont see another emerald golem druid again and now you have a useless card in yoiur deck.
I have played since the game has come out and this is what happens.