So enough is enough

I have played here a long time … created all my own decks and have had some huge successes … i have posted some of my deck at top decks … now there lies the problem … i am so tired of playing against the same mage priest and druid cloned decks over and over again … and they all have what do you call them suicide cards … never ending turns … the only defense i ever had was before you fixed jailer so i can no longer be immortal … unkillable … same difference with time warps that cumulate in endless turns … and instant boom kill enemy player … no defense …purified shard … SOOO where’s the balancing there hm??? … just … why … i whined when you screwed with jailer … but i accepted it … so umm help!! lol

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Have you ever had to walk a mile in knee high mud? Imagine that, would you, because that’s how it felt trying to read through this, um, formulation of words.


Time warp has the most toxic effect of the game, :point_up::relieved:

terrible to be perfect huh :slight_smile: i’m 63 and this is fantastic for me … i am the worst you can get on dyslexia … ty for the compliment

Hey, I’m not saying I didn’t understand, just felt like it took some time to get the end. My brain wouldn’t let me get past the periods.

lucky i do this good lol :slight_smile:

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