So… caverns of time a useless set then?

It’s very clearly nowhere close to strong enough to compete in wild. Kind of scummy for the devs to promote this set as a ‘huge wild update’ yet none of these cards will likely see much if any play because they are so weak and slow.

Actually Feel bad for wild players who finally felt they might get something exciting. Nah, the devs still clearly do not care about you :upside_down_face:

And no one plays twist so…. Who is this for exactly?

They are asking people to spend money on packs for a new mode that no one asked for or wants to play. A set that next twist ruleset rotation may not even be playable. Something which is completely dependent on if the devs let you use them and keep them in the twist rotation. It’s completely out of players hands whether caverns of time will still be usable in a months time.

Plus, this set very cleary is designed around existing synergies (c’thun, jades etc.) what happens when the sets featuring those cards arent in twist??? All these caverns of time cards are usless.

If they go back to the ‘new age’ format we just had for twist, none of these cards are anywhere near good enough to see play. And a lot of them are completely useless without their other synergy pieces. Eyestalk of c’thun is a dead card unless all the c’thun pieces are also in the same rotation to buff it up.

Honestly feels like none of this was actually thought out at all and its just a mid expansion cash grab. Its crazy that None of this set was designed to work in wild considering that was the main selling point of it


These cards should have been made part of a free set to all players similar to the core set to get people to try twist. Maybe that would have allowed people to actually try the format.

Currently I have pretty much no twist eligible cards. Except for the core set and some classic cards, I have absolutely no cards from any of the featured twist expansions.

I am certainly not going to be spending any money on a set that 1. Doesnt also benefit standard and 2. May go poof in a months time if caverns of time isnt in the next twist season.

Wild players certainly are not buying this set cus the cards are absolute garbage and dont benefit them in any way

So again, who is this for?


The number of new cards is small, and most of those can be had from just a few packs. I suspect the people most interested in playing Twist already have a collection, and surplus gold and dust with which to obtain the cards they want.

For someone new to the game, Twist probably isn’t the best option this time around. It’s more like an alternative to Wild, since Blizzard has abandoned any idea of addressing Wild’s chronic problems. Twist is their solution.

For people who only play Standard, never Wild… they only play Standard. There’s no problem there. They can continue to dust their collection every year and not worry about Twist.

It all feels very optional to me. I won’t pay $$$ for the new cards or cosmetics, but I hope to enjoy the mode, anyway, because Wild has become pretty unbearable. And there’s nothing wrong with Blizzard making a profit from the game; they have to eat, too, and that’s how we get any nice things at all.

The communication around this update could have been better. Also, Wild players expecting Blizzard to significantly update Wild should dial back the copium.

You’d give everybody every card from Legacy through Mean Streets, plus Caverns of Time? That’s the new Twist format. I think that’s an unreasonable expectation, and sets an unsustainable precedent. One goal of adding value to rotated cards is to encourage newer players not to dust their collection every year, because those cards might still be fun to play in a Wild-like format. If the cards are always available, there’s no reason not to disenchant.

And Hearthstone is a collectible card game, after all.


I guess it’s for me. I’m a Wild player, I never play Standard unless it’s required for a quest, and I also loved Classic. I have all the adventure and GvG cards and I’ve been in the process of completing TGT. I never dust anything; I even kept my Cho’gall and Hobart Grapplehammer! I wasn’t interested in the New Age season of Twist because it was mostly the same Standard cards I have only 80% of, but I’m VERY interested in the Wonders season because it lines up better with what I happen to have so I believe I’ll be able to compete. I am hoping this season lasts for several months so we can collect and get a lot of use out of the new cards, but whenever the season ends, I’ll still use the cards in Tavern Brawl.

im sure you had a long rant to complain about the set being a “must have” and now you dont know what to do with it …

Stop with your pathetic comments Boreas, you are embarrassing yourself as usual.

Honestly, i would buy the Caverns of Time Packs, if it were for Twist to be a 3-4 month Format such as Standard. I mean, the timeline is so short that any overpowered strategies that show up in Twist, won’t even be able to be “fixed” in a 1 month timeline, which is what happened last time, and spending Gold for a 1 month Format is ridiculous.

Why would anyone spend their hard-earned Gold to buy a Battle-ready deck for a 1 month Format? I just don’t see it.


And if this Twist ruleset lasts 4 months? Blizzard has already said Twist rulesets are not tied to the normal ladder seasons.

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If it does, they should say it now to let us make decisions on how to manage our in-game resources regarding the future of Standard (and Twist if that’s the case).

If they really are keeping it a secret, and just throw a curveball at the end of the 1st Month of Twist that the Format will continue for more, then they are just being malicious.

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you 2 are just searching for something to complain about

duplicate protection applis for changed cards

most of the new cards arent that good so you have no idea what to complain about the set now and are trying tomake something up

i got that from his

he lies about people not playing twist to complain just for the sake of complaining

it is for blizzard so they have another excuse to print more Signature/diamond cards for people to buy, yay new wild expansions that are going to be useless, since any mech deck is going to outspeed them and kill them turn 3/4, because cards costing mana is apparently stupid, it is so obvious no one at the hearthstone team actually plays HS.

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