Snake now costs 6

The 6 mana nerf is only temporary as a bandaid fix.

They will come back and adjust snake permanently at a later time.

Also confirmed there will be a dust refund(s)


OK, what exactly will be refunded? Can you provide some links to the info?

err… what?

Good :slight_smile:

Also good :smiley:

Anyhoo… since no-one has yet posted the link, here’s what I found.


An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.

> Blizzard just posted patch notes for 28.0.2 and… it’s coming out today!
**> **
**> The main feature of the patch is the nerf of [The Azerite Snake – it now costs 6 mana instead of 4 so you can’t bounce it around that easily. The cost of full combo will go up by 6 mana and you can’t play it twice in a single turn on 10 mana. This is not a permanent fix. They plan another adjustment to the card later, but the only things they can change in server-side updates are stats and cost. That’s why changing its cost was the only solution.

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The dumb 3 drop in naga dh next? Please?
Be nice to have games longer than 3 turns against dh.


They didn’t give specifics on dust refunds but the details were announced in the Community Discussion section of the hearthstone forums (Patch 28.0.2).


it’ll probably just be dust refunds on the excavate warlock cards.

What specifics you need?
If they nerf azerite snake alone, all the cards that excavate will give you full dust if you disenchant.

Ha, I called it. 6 mana to stop double snake plays. You were quite against the idea, but here it is.

This nerf killed the deck.

it was already struggling at diamond/ legend. Now its dead. You can’t double snake anymore. You need to wait turn 8 to spend your whole turn stealing life with a snake. You need to survive two turn doing nothing to kill the opponent. Lol.

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Looks like we won’t be getting refunds until the permanent fix:

They could cheap out and only refund the Warlock excavate cards, but if you look in your collection and closely examine Kobold Miner and Burrow Buster, they each list 5 “related cards”, which are the 5 legendary excavate rewards, including Snake.

So, all 4 cards should be refundable.

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I was against it being 6 mana or against it getting nerfed?
I wasn’t against any of that. But if I have to choose, I prefer it costing 6 mana than having the text changed.

Its a temporary hotfix:

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The legendary Azerite cards aren’t refundable, because they are NOT a part of your collection/you can’t collect them.

They haven’t stated that they will refund all excavate cards in addition to snake.

That may be your expectation but those specific refunds have not been confirmed by T5.

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Oh, you meant refunding the neutral excavate cards, yeah no, they’ll probably just refund the warlock-specific ones.

I lost brain cells reading this


so ? they revert the mana cost change after they nerf the card

your post makes zero sense

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If you believe that is true, you should probably consult a doctor over that.

I made that comment before I knew it was a temporary nerf, which you would have known if you bothered to read my subsequent comments.

I have two golden Drillfist cards, so I’m pretty happy about the nerf.

Nevermind the fact that two of the neutrals are given as uncraftable on the reward track.