Slow Installation

Returning player here. I uninstalled HS and Bnet months ago and wanted to hop in for tomorrow’s expansion, but i’m having an issue installing the game. The download speed peaks at about 1mb/s and goes back down to 0 B/s after a few seconds. I’ve reached 1% done and it too went down to 0% momentarily before going back to 1%.

Things i’ve tried:

Selective startup mode
Reinstalling the app (before and after selective startup)
Installing when nobody else is using wifi in my house.
Running as Administrator
Changing DNS settings
Uncapping download speeds in the settings.

it all results in the same.

I cannot try ethernet, as that is not an option for me at the moment, and it won’t be for a very long time.

I just wanna sling cards man.

EDIT (more detail): My internet speed is good. Like really good. I can download any other 10gb game in a few minutes flat, but at this rate, hearthstone will take a few days.

Update: 2 Hours of installing later, i’ve made it to 9%.

Edit: Wow, Blizzard is so helpful. Thank you for responding to a paying customer. You’re amazing! ← Sarcasm.