Slightly disappointed

Was something unclear?

The part with the tone deaf “I could take a break and still get there, so anyone could do it!” Hence, my quoting on the “phones” line.

See previous comment. Also the “if you’re only playing once a month, this isn’t for you” nonsense. All of which indicate the op wasn’t read, and more of the “well, I can run circles around you, git gud, scrub!” that seems to dominate these types of discussions.

“Your quote, thrown back at you trying to be clever!”
0/10 for effort and execution. Because I did read the op, and the post I responded to, and yours. Because you didn’t even know the company made exceptions to their policies earlier in the discussion, until you were thoroughly schooled on it.

I feel like meeting deadlines in gaming is something you can put into your resume, also you probably could have had a coffee and sorted this out the night beforehand.

I’m not sure how I was bashing him??

As a MTG Arena player, I don’t know how much things have chanced in the last 2.5+ years, but if Hearthstone is how I remember it, missing out on content is simply a thing that happens to each of us. Don’t have HS on a Samsung? Missed content :man_shrugging:t2:.

I’m not comparing games here as you can miss content on Arena too, like how I waited for many many months (year?? :sob:) to ever get another chance to get Tamiyo Avatar (which I did get actually!). But still that’s the name of the game.

Good luck on new content.

As far as the skins go… I would like more options to choose from and they dont have to have fancy animations either.

I want all female skins and I’m half way there. So if BLZ can make all the skins female that would be a very Merry Christmas indeed.

Sounds like you’re mad cus bad, you get a logical response and you go complete crybaby mode in response. Git good scrub.

Now that’s rich. Maybe try reading or comprehension instead of flaming.

Settle on down there jeallo. Mad cus bad!

That much seems clear based on your inability to make a coherent post and continue flaming. Considered an online learning program?

And now, back to someone who can actually post on topic:

Don’t give them an excuse to cut corners. They did that with being lazy with cut/paste voice lines for some of them before people were rightly upset about getting new skins with the same old lines.