Signature Cards

I don’t know if it’s just me but I can’t stand how signature cards looks like, I literally CAN’T. It doesn’t even look like something that would be from hearthstone, I understand the idea that it’s a signature card, it should be unique and different, rare, collectible card but it just looks so bad and disgusting for me. I wish they could make an option to change it to a plain copy of the card or disenchant it for dust, anything at all at this point, just to be able to get rid of it from my collection. The worst part that the ones I have I didn’t even had an option to choose if I want them or not. After contacting support about this I got an answer that discussions is my best shot to get developers attention for a suggestion that they could do something about it if enough people agree with this. So I am shooting my shot here, peace.


You contacted support because you didn’t like the appearance of a card?

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trolled op to support the crappy signature cards? Weird flex.

Why not? There are games with good support, even blizzards support was good once.
Few years ago I played a indie game, where I contacted support just to have a chat ( about the game ofc ) and guess what, they liked it.

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i love the art style of them, they are going to be some of my favorite cards

some people think support can do everything so no surprised someone thinks they can change how a card looks like

I don’t think support can do everything that community would want. I just asked if there is anything that they could do about it, who else I can ask such a question? Only Blizzard can tell me what are the plans for the signature cards in the future. As for now those cards are not going anywhere and we can’t do anything with those cards, so I am patiently waiting for something to change since from now on I can see more and more people complain about them so I hope they will take into a consideration to do something about it.

dont worry
they told us months ago they ll improve how signature cards look like so lets see if they do it for the next expansion ones

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