Sick to death of DKs

I am sick to death of every DK, player or bot, having hte perfect starting hand and draw. EVERY SINGLE match they have that 1/3 that gives a corpse in their starting hand or on mulligan. EVERY SINGLE !@#$ING TIME!

If it ain’t that, its anti magic shell and that 4 mana buff to everything on the field in hand, on curve, I mean literally every single time. Out of hte last 20 or so games, every single one was almost identical.


Anti-Magic Shell? Grave Strength (AKA ‘that 4 mana buff to everything on the field’)?

Are you complaining about… Unholy?

I’m sorry sir, but it seems you are suffering from a case of ‘bad.’

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Might because I’m not using a meta deck. Trying to make lightshow work. It feels too slow. ESPECIALLY against any DK deck. But sure, immediately call someone bad at a game. I would give you some choice words, but then Blizzard would call it offensive.

Complaining about low rank decks kekw

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I expect nothing less.

Don’t complain about it then if you are using some non-meta deck. Seriously, if you are using a non-meta deck you don’t get to complain about the meta, and if you are using a non-meta deck and you start complaining about what is also a non-meta deck, then you are in fact bad and deserve to be called out on it when you make you non-justified complaint.


What a crappy person you are.

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Out of all the Death Knights that I encounter, Unholy is the least. Can I ask what tier you are playing in? What is the list that you are using?

I would be interested to see what your deck has and maybe offer some suggestions on tweaking if you want.

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gold 10. Literally stuck at gold ten because I’m not playing a meta deck.

Well, what I generally do is, if I’m looking to climb, I play a meta deck, and when I reach a floor, I sometimes swap to decks I’m trying to learn or are just fun to play that don’t have the consistency to climb, also known as meme decks.

If you’re looking to climb, I would suggest you find a deck that 1. Is performing well in the meta 2. Is one that you would probably enjoy playing, it makes the climb easier and more enjoyable.

If you like priests, I can give you the deck code for the deck I used to get into legend this month.

I’ll be honest with you, I have not come across many mages since the current expansion started. And for the ones I have, I’ve managed to kill most. Mages are at their best at the moment. however, that could change soon, since they got a couple buffs in the most recent patch.

I don’t understand that response, the op has no control over that, i think you’re missing “luck” at the of your comment.
people like you are bad, and part of the reason why people quit this game, and replaced by bots.

You sir are a hero, unlike the childe from the moon.