Shudderwock STILL holding duels captive

Warrior can’t have Odin,
But shaman gets shudder.
Rogue can’t have greymane or quest,
But shaman gets shudder.
Mage can’t have fire eater or snow flurry,
But shaman get shudder.
Hunter can’t have zuljin, but shaman gets shudder…

I’m sure there are plenty others that I haven’t mentioned and are SIGNIFICANTLY less powerful than shudderwock, but he is still here.

Blizzard, Help me understand this…


you are comparing how good rogue queest was…with shudderwock?

i have no idea how you came up with these comparisons

if youre losing to shudderwock, your deck is not very good, stormwind meta is extremely fast, youre lucky if you even get past 3 wins because of how bad the shaman pools are

I play shudderwok in duels, and it isn’t as good as you think…