Should've waited for those nerfs until the rotation

I ain’t gonna lie, Druid is always a miserable class to play against. But I also really don’t enjoy having 6 mana Brann back. I’d very much like if next time we do massive nerfs and un-nerfs 2 weeks before a rotation, to just wait for the rotation to happen. As much as people complained about Zerg DK, it was manageable for another 2 weeks. Standard ladder feels horrible to play right now.


That’s why I’m playing Wild right now, hit Diamond in standard and seeing nothing but the same decks every match. Combination of the nerfs combined with the not-yet-rotated cards makes difficult to progress, i get a win followed by a loss, if i get a streak i get losses that negates it

I’m sorry - but weren’t you the one who argued with me yesterday that the nerfs were needed? LOL. Pick a lane and stay in it. At least be honest about your position…

Yep - they nerfed Zerg into obsolescence. Now it is just a Druid parade on ladder. People thought Zerg DK was miserable, but there were 4-5 classes/decks to add some variety. Now it is just all Druid Protoss all the time. Yay Druid Parade! Hope Blizz refunds me back my $$$.

its been fun having all those cards unnerfed for a week now ill wait until expansion release i dont want to complete my weeklies

Yesterday? Nah. Sorry king, I didn’t even think nerfs were neccessary for zerg until we see what it looked like after rotation. Last post I made was uhhhh 8 days ago on a Burgle rogue post. Keep it chilling, hope Emerald Dream is fun!