Should Odyn get full dust refund?

In 28.2 patch notes, we can see:

  • [Hearthstone] Odyn, Prime Designate’s Battlecry effect can no longer be stacked if played multiple times.

I think Odyn, Prime Designate’s Battlecry effect can be stacked is not a bug, it is a feature and a win condition for control warrior. Maybe Odyn should get a full dust refund because it is a Nerf.


The card must never do that, it was a bug, SO no refund

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It wasn’t a bug, a developer said so himself, that it should work like this when the card came out.

It definitely doesn’t warrant a dust refund though, since this interaction was barely utilized.


Mayve he was just covering himself. After all, no one likes to say “oh yeah, it’s wrong, we messed up”. Far easier to say “oh yeah, totally intended”

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I’m inclined to believe this. Nothing about Odyn’s text indicates it’d be stackable in the first place. As per the text, another Odyn would just reapply the same effect to you. It’s like having two Branns out on the field.

And historically, blizz has had serious problems actually admitting they’re wrong about something/messed up.


While I really like to play audio amplifier then Odyn + Zola. I chose the warrior starter deck and crafted an audio amplifier to play this combo. It is sad for me that I cannot play this combo anymore.

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100% should be a refund, thats a clear as day nerf


They SHOULD, but they most likely won’t.

I mean, considering how much dust they already owe the playerbase. And that’s just from nerfs, bans, etc they didn’t bother giving any credit for until patches later. At least the old devs weren’t so lazy that they didn’t do it in the same patch.

And if you factor in the dust debacles, they owe the playerbase a whole lot more.


The best and truest forum quote of 2023.

odyn wasnt listed but if the mechanic changed then they should refund it

and about your dust rant

read the patch notes well get dust refund for the other cards later

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I did, try reading the post, but with trolling set to “0.”